Inlägg från: Januari 2021
What is smishing?

Smishing is the modified version of phishing that requires a platform, most usually, our mobile phones. This occurs mainly via SMSs received. Thus, the phishing term has changed to SMS phishing or Smishing.
- This is an easier method of hacking, as people tend to believe text messages than emails.
- The added advantage is that many people do not have access to email but to SMSs.
- It is a feat on the victim to believe that the hacker or the so-called black hat hacker; has their number. In fact, it’s easier to get someone’s number than their email.
- Any targeted guess at the sequence of the 10 digits phone number lands the hacker on a jackpot than a varied sequence of the email characters.
This usually comes in the form of SMS from banks, e.g., verifying, changing your PIN, etc., and traps the customer with a fake yet identical website where the customer type in his credentials is very easy for the hacker to obtain henceforth.
- A general smishing attempt is made by baiting the user to prize money, donations, etc.
- Here, too, the hacker sends links for the user to click on.
- There are varied ways of smishing that include worms, viruses, faulty websites, Trojan horses, etc.
The general points to ponder when you get SMS from unknown and unreliable sources:-
- Phone numbers that do not correspond to the general mandate of your region for phone numbers.
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- Avoid replying to texts you don’t recognize.
- Avoid clicking links from senders, not in your contact list.
- Ignore texts saying to recheck or confirm your submissions, password changes, etc.
- Report at once to the cybersecurity portals of your region along with screenshots and other details that might come in handy.
These are the general points that summarize the main features and disadvantages of smishing. Smishing can be correlated to phishing, but according to statistics, smishing has accounted for more loss and misuse than phishing.
It is easier for the hacker to track SMSs, get numbers, etc., than handling phishing attempts via email. It takes a great deal of awareness and proactiveness on the user, customer o moreover, and unsuspecting victim to identify, ignore, and avoid smishing attempts made to their number.
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