Lifestyle Factors that Impacts Male Fertility

Mostly the issue of female infertility is talked about. With age the fertility decreases which eventually affects the women’s chances to conceive. But, most of the time the male fertility is not discussed. So, it means if you are to get pregnant then you need to know about everything that affects fertility. For having the best chances to conceive it is important that men should an adequate number of sperm. While talking about the sperm quality it also includes the sperm motility as well as sperm shape. All these things will determine the sperm ability that it can reach the egg for fertilization on time. In case, if the sperm is not able to reach the ovaries then it affects the fertility which also includes blockage between the penis and testes. You might know but lifestyle choices all affect the chances of conceiving. Here are some lifestyle factors which affect male fertility.    • Taking too much StressA study named Fertility and sterility has shown that men who have faced two stressful situations in a year the sperm quality decreased as well as sperms shape also got affected. This means it affects fertility. However, the relation between stress and fertility is not sure why it happens. But researchers suggest that stress- change in hormones will harm the sperm or if the stress-related free radicals increase it will harm the cells.  So it means it would be best if you do not take stress about any situation. If you are facing an issue with fertility then you should visit the best IVF centre. In case you are not sure where to get the treatment then you can visit our hospital. You should not worry as infertility treatment is available.    • Few Extra pounds affect fertilityWe all know overweight can lead to many health issues as well as fertility is also affected by this problem. Many studies have shown that men who did not weight according to the Body Mass Index have a 22% decrease in sperm production and the total sperm count got decreased by 24%. Overweight affects the hormonal balance of men which eventually affect sperm production. Moreover, men also face the issue of erection. So, make sure you keep the body weight normal when you are trying to conceive.    • OverheatingOverheating of the testicles can also harm the sperm. Choosing some options can negatively affect the chances. This means using the hot tubs, sauna or wearing extremely tight-fitting clothes will affect the chances even more. It is not that difficult to avoid these things. You just have to avoid certain things which affect the chances.    • Consumption of alcohol and taking drugsFertility also gets affected by the consumption of alcohol and by taking drugs. This is because they contain harmful substances which negatively affect fertility. As the substances get in the blood they affect the entire system. Moreover, it can also lead to erectile dysfunction which will affect the quality and production of semen. It is necessary that you make the changes so that the fertility gets back on track.