Managed to stay awake until 11 last night and for once fell asleep pretty soon the moment my head hit the pillow. Woke up ten hours later in the EXACT same position, talk about conked out, haha. Had little Egon next to me when I opened my eyes <3 It's no news that I LOVE breakfast <3 breakfast at moms is something I can really long for when I'm not here... Swedish cheese, yummy bread, great coffee. And mom of course <3 Mr Egon is never far! <3 <3 <3 My little bestie. Someone else was hanging under the table, just in case something might drop down...... It's super sunny outside and slightly frosty on the ground - time to get my little darling off of my leg and go out for coffee (well, fika) with Bella <3More updates later! :)