Food! Here: souvlaki marinated chicken, tsatziki & a take on Hasselback potatoes. Mmmmm.  And plants <3 here, a sneak peek of our new plant-home. And a monster high-doll for my kids :)))  No morning is complete without cardamom-flavoured coffee with fluffy, cinammon-milk. Served in my favourite coffee cup of course :)  Most days we have poached eggs on toast for breakfast, sometimes it's nice to switch it up though! Like this day when we had bagels with cream cheese, avocado, smoked salmon & lemon. Fresh and delicious.  I don't know how many avocado-pits I've tried to root in the last few months, we have an endless amount of little waterglasses with brain-looking things sticking up with pins in them. I was SO EXCITED when I realised that one of them was actually growing in to something!!!  When it had a proper root (with little shoots on it) I picked it out of the glass, rinsed it off and popped it in some soil. Now it lives in our window in a terracotta pot and I'm crossing all fingers that it'll keep growing :)  Bit of a peek in to our home and two of my favourite things in life. Today it's ten degrees cooler than yesterday, the skies are grey, but I honestly don't mind. I'm writing lists for festival season (I leave for Sweden & festival no 1 in 3 days :O) and am relaxing at home until it's time to brave the metro and pick up my beloved girls from school. Good Tuesday!