As Duncan works at a bar his weekends fall on Monday and Tuesday, we always try to do something fun on those nights as we don't get much quality time together the rest of the week. So last night when I finished at work we met up at our favourite local restaurant, La Guincheuse 😊 My kitty-headphones come with me everywhere now, I love them <3 I love having a regular place where the guy behind the bar greets you like a friend and offers you a kir au cassis before dinner. Love the place in all its kitschy glory! I had the filet mignon de porc with a three mushroom-sauce, to be topped off with a cheese plate, of course. And a bottle of pinot noir, but that goes without saying... Even the bathroom is fabulous. Now I've just come home from work and have had a yummy dinner cooked by D. before he had to rush off to work. So next up on my schedule is having the rest of my plate in bed in front of trashy Swedish TV (Paradise Hotel Finally week!! Those who know, know.). Happy little Saturday as we say in Sweden :D