Let's check in on some of my green babies, shall we? First out is this beautiful chinese pepper that we picked up at a flea market, wilting, dry, small and sad. Now it's green, bushy and happy! Yay! It wants a surprising amount of water, I thought peppers were meant to be dry little creatures. You live and you learn :)  One of the avocados has gone WILD! I love it! I have four of them now, all going strong, but this ones leaves are bigger than my head :O pretty amazing. Also, my cozy, fluffy socks from Iceland in the corner :)))  Our blue basil is flowering! Beautiful deep purple little babies. Duncan thinks we should chop them off so that all the plants energy goes in to the leaves which I guess is the smart thing to do, but they're just so pretty :') All three of these started out as tiny little cuttings, just a few months ago! Proud plant-mama <3  This ones leaves are thick and sturdy, and it grows SO FAST. I'm thinking it'll take over pretty much the whole window one day :)))  This little guy was found by Duncan at a job, years ago. It was tiny, dry looking and sitting in a little plastic pot, all abandoned :'( it has since been through re-potting, a weird fly-infestation and another re-potting. Since then it's loving life on our dinner table!  One of my 5 English ivys! Well, three of those are still cuttings, growing in water but they still count I think :) sometimes they look all spindly and sad, but they all keep coming back. I think I've finally found the right spot for them, just enough light and not too much water. Last out is the latest addition to our jungle, a little oregano given to us by Kat <3haven't looked up ideal care-tips yet but so far so good! That's a little taste of our urban jungle, maybe soon I'll do a part two with the rest of the plant babies! What do you think?