Walked on the beach this afternoon (WALKED ON THE BEACH PEOPLE), got super Wes Anderson-vibes off this sign. Anyone else??  Thought this could be the French version of The Grand Budapest Hotel too, right???  Let go of Wes when I realised how hungry I was. We immediately stopped to buy underwhelming cheeseburgers and tasty, crunchy fries. The underwhelming cheeseburger tasted less underwhelming by sitting in the sun near the sea. Hot tip.  Stressed out slightly when we realised that we had both left our phones in the studio we're renting (vacation mode anyone?) and neither of us remembered the code to the building :/ a kind barman lent us his phone so that D. could check his emails and find the code and we were finally able to head back "home". Phew. Back on our terrace we relaxed with a glass of strong, red wine & some cheese. Now: late dinner and maybe a movie before we both fall asleep - it's been an eventful day!