I’m gonna try something new on the blog: Tuesday Thoughts Most likely it will be something from the latest week that I’ve come across, things that inspire me, something from the digital world or business related. So here we go! I don’t watch television, I haven’t done that for years but I do watch a lot of YouTube videos and especially from people that inspire me in business. Two of them are Gary Vaynerchuk and Casey Neistat. Why do you ask? Because they have worked hard to achieve great things and to be where they are today. They never listened to people who said they wouldn’t make it, they went their own way, believed in themselves and always strives to be better. They also inspire others to do the same. Look at the video ‘Do what you can’t' that I came across this weekend. I just love it and feel like ‘yeah let’s do this!’.What I’ll bring with me for this week, as Gary said is in THIS video ‘How successful people think’: Work harder, work smarter, get your speed up and try new things if you want to be relevant in 7 years.