Reasons to Perform Arthroscopic Knee Surgery

Arthroscopic knee surgery is performed in order to treat your joint-related issues, specially designed for knee, elbows, and hip.In this era, millions of people are suffering from joint related problems, especially knee joints. This happens because of many factors such as overage, genetic factors, and any type of injury which damage your joints internally. In this situation, you need to visit ortho doctor immediately so that you can get the right treatment. He will first examine you and then recommend you arthroscopy surgery according to your joint and health condition. Moreover, this knee arthroscopy includes the small incisions in order to replace your damaged joint with an artificial one. This procedure is totally safe and secure which gives you best results so that you can able to walk without any help. Moreover, this type of surgery is well-known because this treats your conditions without harming or damaging the natural structure of your joint. And patients who took this treatment reveals that this procedure is painless and have less recovery time. But you have to follow all the instructions of your surgeon for better results. Reasons to get arthroscopic knee surgery.There are several causes of arthroscopic knee surgery but not every symptom of the joint issue need this surgery. Torn cartilageTorn cartilage condition is also known as meniscus tears. Which can only be treated with meniscus surgery because this involves the expulsion of the damaged or affected part of your knee joint. Or this surgery is performed when you need to remove affected meniscus cartilage. Meniscus RepairMeniscus repair is done with the meniscus surgery, additionally, you need this surgery only when you experience damage to the meniscus. Because this surgery gives you better and permanent results and gives you relief from severe pain and joint inflammation. Cartilage TransferThis treatment includes the transfer of cartilage from the healthy parts of the knee joint to the affected part of your joint. So that you can get relief from the joint problem. In this treatment, your surgeon removes only the affected parts of your joint and replace them with healthy ones. This treatment is too easy and simple because it is totally painless treatment. ACL reconstructionACL is named as Anterior Cruciate Ligament, which is considered as the most important and essential ligament of your knee. In addition to this, this ACL is too imperative for the better and smooth functioning of your knee joint, but many people suffer from joint pain condition due to injury or damage to ACL ligament which can only be treated with the help of ACL reconstruction procedure. Plica ExcisionA plica is explained as tissue remnant, in this condition your knee is divided into different compartments but only during the early development of knee. In addition, some of the compartments of your knee lost after some time but not all the remnants. The more prominent remnant tissue is known as Plica. And when you encounter pain and inflammation in your plica you need surgery or plica resection which is specially designed to remove the affected and inflamed tissue. Here are some other reasons due to which you need arthroscopic knee surgery include the lateral release or improper movement of the knee cap, microfracture, and Autologous Chondrocyte implantation.