Test som avslöjar din intelligens baserat på likes på Facebook
Apply Magic sauce testet som visar vem du är efter att ha studerat dina Facebook vanor. Testet vet mer om dig än din familj och dina vänner. Vågar du göra testet som avslöjar vem du är: http://applymagicsauce.com/test.html# Learn about yourself Reverse the information monopoly The Psychometrics Centre specialises in advanced methods of psychological assessment and the investigation of online behaviour. Traditionally, accurate testing tools were the preserve of major test publishers, large corporations and expensive training programmes. Apply Magic Sauce places that technology in your hands. So use it! Learn as much as you can by taking our tests, building your own applications and telling us what else we should be predicting! Be more than a number Demand more for your data You can realise the value of your personal data by insisting on a fair exchange of information for service, rather than consent by implication and intrusive yet inaccurate advertising. We want businesses to use Apply Magic Sauce because it gives you the chance to find out about your digital self at the same time that they do. Test yourself, demand personalisation and make it commercially impossible for data giants to operate without first earning your trust and sharing what they know about you Support academic research Transparent, ethical and effective use of your data We publish anonymised samples of our data online to promote cutting-edge research into online behaviour and develop a hub for global academic collaboration. We currently have registered collaborators from 80 academic institutions worldwide, resulting in over 30 scientific publications in leading scientific journals since 2011. Read more at www.mypersonality.org Our research has proven that clicking a link or sharing a photo can also mean sharing your most private and intimate desires with the world. Seemingly innocuous online behaviour therefore contains a wealth of personal information, representing an enormous opportunity for companies to profile and target individuals however they like. However, this information should be available to researchers before it hits the market, so it can be properly analysed and anonymised before producing results that can improve our lives and our experience of online services. Support our efforts by opting in to submit your data anonymously for research by the University of Cambridge Psychometrics Centre and our community of collaborators. Just make sure you take our tests and get some feedback on your data first – we don’t believe in getting something for nothing.