Krulligt hår blir rakt hos afrofrisören
"Nappy hair gets straight at the afro hair dresser". That is basically what the headline of this article says. The article itself would probably not raise any eye brows but because of my strong opinion about adaptation to western beauty standards, it caught my eye. Of course everyone is entitled to like what they like no matter what it is, but hair is a different matter I think. Maybe I'm overreacting, but I feel that black hair has become such a sensitive topic. People avoid to get to the root of why we wear wigs and weaves or even relaxers and use lame excuses as explanations. Have you ever reflected about why it is harder to step out of your door with your natural hair? Maybe there is an underlying issue there, other then the fact that it's easier to handle fake hair. You can read the entire article here. Dare to be naptural ladies!