Analog and Antilog

Competitors when it comes to function and usage: FacebookThis social media has certain useful functions that the consumers can use and share, but facebook is not really a competitor when it comes to being an app for friends/followers recommendations of of good restaurants. At facebook you can tag/hashtag a place that is shown on a map and share it with your friends. You can also see all other people/happening hashtagged there. But you can not specialize it in a unique base with just restaurants and share it with friends and people you follow. Google mapsThe function in Rec/Me is different from Google maps because the maps in Rec/Me are used in the way that all the places you mark in the map stays there, as well as photos and recommendations/comments that are shared by the followers in a certain network. InstagramInstagram has the same function of following persons but without our function to review the place. It is also difficult to locate and mark the place at Instagram. AnalysisThere are already actors at the market when it comes to travel advices and social media. As we all the time are using more and more technology we can also assume that there will be an enormous range of digital alternatives. It is not logic to think that there should only be one or two big actors in a certain market - there is going to be a lot of competitors for the same market and segment. Just because the digital era is something new and happens right now, we have to realize that we are still a part of the development of society that once will be history as well. So, we mean that just because there already are big actors at the market, it doesn't mean that there is no interest in the specialized niche that Rec/Me is offering. Our target market wants to be a bit unique and special and try special things that not everybody has already tried. An excellent restaurant is not necessary the same as an exclusive restaurant. Tripadvisor leads often to tourist traps as many tourists make the reviews, in Rec/Me the initial phase with building up the ap, will be together with local people and their recommendations. There are a lot of other values like for example uniqueness, small scale business and excellent treatment that needs to been shown as well. We want it to be easier for the consumers to find and experience those places and right now there is no easy, simple and fun way to do that, that's why we have created Rec/Me.