You may continue to experience your waking sadness

Or did your dream self rise up and walk out of your tedious office job for the last time? Dreams in which we finally break away from the chains and shackles that bind us-physically or emotionally-are likely to fill us with an overwhelming feeling of euphoria. Though your dream may have provided you with a temporary release from your troubles, you may continue to experience your waking sadness until you make a conscious effort to cast off your shackles- whether they were put on you by yourself or by others-and to live your life in whatever manner you find personally fulfilling. Many of us suppress our emotions in the waking world-especially extreme ones-for fear of somehow alienating those around us, or else of appearing dangerously vulnerable, or even of disgusting ourselves. FREEDOM Sometimes our dreams may fill us with an exhilarating sense of freedom or liberation. If you have Diaphragm Valve Suppliers dream, you may find it helpful to tell yourself that when you next have the dream, you will not run from whatever it is that frightens you, be it spiders or boogeymen, but will instead stand and face whatever it is. Dreams of flying may be the most literal or obvious form of freedom dreams, but almost any dream scenario may fall into this category, depending on our own subjective feelings and experiences.