A-Traktor In Sweden
Hello! In Sweden there is a vehicle that is pretty common that's called A-trakor or Epa-Traktor. You can almost call it a car, but it can't, or is not allowed to by the law, to go faster than 30km/h. When you are 15 years old you can go to a drivingschool and get a license that's called AM-kort. It costs around 4500:- swedish crons. With this AM-kort you are allowed to drive moped, motorised quadricycle, agricultural tractors and of course A-traktor or Epa-traktor. The difference between A-traktor and Epa-traktor is that you can't build Epa-traktor anymore, an Epa-traktor is allowed to be able to go faster than 30km/h, only on second gear tho, but you are not allowed to drive it faster than 30km/h. If you get pulled over by the police and you were driving to fast there is a big chance that they will take your driverslicense from you and give you speedingtickets. A-traktor is not even allowed to be able to go faster than 30km/h, then you will definietly get pulled over. This is my A-traktor, it is called Algen :)