Let them
The older I get, the more I lean into the let them mentality. It’s actually a freeing feeling to embrace, but sometimes I get confused. Am I becoming emotionally numb, or am I just growing?When I was younger, I used to force things because I was so emotionally driven by my inner chaos. But now that I’ve found my inner peace, I can clearly hear my own voice, harmonizing with a calmer vibration. I often find myself in situations where I listen and give advice. It’s something that has been ingrained in me since childhood. And with that, you naturally start to reflect and see things from different perspectives.As you might have realized, I’m a deep person in general. I can’t go a day without reflecting on how I can grow. But because of this, I also see my past self in my friends. Being so emotionally driven that the words coming out of your mouth don’t even make sense, to the point where you almost want to throw a chair at yourself. In other words, I don’t judge, but sometimes, it’s hard to engage in certain conversations haha. But it takes so much from you when you let things ruin your day. If your friend doesn’t want to include you in their plans, let them. If your partner doesn’t prioritize you, let them. If your family doesn’t want anything to do with you, let them. Love and inclusion shouldn’t be forced, and the only thing you can control is yourself. So what are you going to do about it?As for me, I’m too busy building myself up. I’ve started going to the gym alongside my studies. I follow my routines, I’m learning more about nutrition, and I’m focused on my health, my appearance, my style, the people I surround myself with, what I take in and what I don’t, my hobbies, my work, and my studies. I don’t have time to sit around and dwell on anyone. And sometimes, many times, you have to be a little tough and think that way.A little delulu? Yeah, maybe haha. But as long as it keeps you going, you haven’t lost anything. The people who truly want to prioritize, include, and love you, the ones who genuinely value a relationship with you, will always be worth it