The Most Effective Advertising Medium - Electronic Message Centers
A decade ago most of us sat in awe when viewing a huge full color full motion video screen at a professional sports stadium, or at a concert by one of many famous international musical groups. That cutting edge technology is available today at a fraction of the cost of products manufactured ten years ago, and the visual experience is far superior! If your company has an annual advertising budget of $50,000 or more, the question is no longer "can we afford an electronic message center", it has become "can we afford NOT to invest in an EMC?". Consider the following facts from the Small Business 1) According to the Small Business Administration, sales increase between 15 and 150% when and electronic message center is installed. 2) Electronic message centers allow an unlimited number of message changes and variable controls, all easily completed with a computer. The result is lower labor cost and elimination of the physical liabilities often associated with copy changes on traditional reader boards. 3) Electronic Message centers communicate variable messages as people pass by, allowing greater flexibility in communicating to the public. 4) With their automated dimming and focusing systems, electronic message centers can respond to the visibility needs of the public, increasing safety and conspicuity day and night. 5) The flexibility offered by electronic message centers means your business can advertise specials while also displaying public service information or other items of public interest. 6) Electronic message centers can quickly "brand" your business site in the local community.