
Name: Astrid Gender: Female Age: 24 Nationality: Norwegian 1. I usually go out to eat every day, when I am on vacation. It usually depends of my accommodation. If I have rented an apartment, I would probably eat some of the meals there, and the other meals on a restaurant. If I stay at a hotel, I suppose I would eat all the meals on restaurants.  2. I usually find it most easy to use the Tripadvisor app/Internet page, when choosing restaurants abroad. The app/internet page is very straight forward, and “user friendly” in my opinion. So I guess that my answer to this question will be Yes, I find it easy to find a restaurant I my taste.  3. Before I discovered Tripadvisor and started googleing restaurants, I often experienced restaurants with very boring food (typical tourist food like french-fries, hamburgers and ok pizzas). The food is ok, but not if you want a more authentic food experience, like many people tend to want. With that said, I have had some amazing food experiences the last couple of years, after I started to research restaurants before going out, or as I have had friends with recommendations in the different countries I have visited. 4. Tripadvisor, articles with restaurant reviews, or recommendations. 5. Last time I traveled, I was in Iran during Ramadan so that is probably not a good example. We mostly ate in people’s homes, and in Teheran, we got recommendations from people living there. I also visited Italy 5 months ago, and we had to use tripadvisor/google to find the good restaurants in Tuscany. Name: Nikoline Gender: Female Age: 24 Nationality: Norwegian 1: I eat at restaurants every day, all meals when I'm on vacation, unless I live with friends / visit someone. 2: No, I did not have trouble finding restaurants with food I like, but it can often be a bit time consuming. 3: Mostly I have a great food experience at restaurants, but my gluten allergy can anyone walk limiting selection I have to choose. 4: Last time I traveled, I did research on restaurants before I left. I ask friends and often ask for tips from people with the same desire as me. Internet helps me too often to find the restaurants I like. Otherwise, I often ask the hotel I was staying for tips and advice. Name: Marianne Gender: Female Age: 26 Nationality: Norwegian 1. Every day I eat out! On some rare occasions I eat at home if we are renting an apartment 2. Yes, but it can take some time, because it is important to me that restaurants are cozy and nice. 3. Yes, usually I do, because I tend to choose safe options from the menu, which I know I like. 4. Google or just find a restaurant on the street. 5. Googled and advice from other friends who have been in the city before. Usually quite happy with the solution.