Hello bloggen! How ya doin?!     So today is my day 5 of the 40 days master Cleanse Diet and It's been a little harder than I expected because the first 3 days you start craving food but after that it comes easily.     The craziest is that I am more hungry for African food than ever, I even texted a friend last night about all the African food I feel like eating. He says that I need to find Jesus cause I'm crazy haha...Well that's nothing new huh!!?  Alright for people who doesn't know me, I'm stubborn and I will not finish the diet just cause it is difficult at the start hell nooo. That's not how my mom raised me. She has raised me to be strong and never give up no matter what, so that's what I will do, GO HARD aight!!!     Now my plans for today's G.T.L (gym, laundry, tan) Lol. The real plans is Laundry, cleaning and the fun part taking care of myself, you know spa, manicure, pedicure and hair treatment.    P.s If you're wondering why I'm writing in English, it's because I feel like it and partly to improve my English of course.