Yesterday was Midsommar (st. John's in Estonia) here in Sweden and we as usual weren't going anywhere. So we decided to pack snacks and drinks and go by the seaside at night. We enjoyed the great weather and watched football haha. Funny to think that we were sitting on the edge of Sweden (the south side). Anyway I realize that he's all I need now. These more fun crowded times will come too, but he's always here always ready to go out with only me, he's someone who i really need to feel great doesn't matter where I go. I don't feel lonely with no friends in new town, I have my best friend right here. Last night by the sea. Wearing a dress by Mohito and Converse. Hope all swedes had a great Midsommar and estonians - congratz to all who graduated today, sorry I couldn't be there to bring you flowers and have a memorable st. John's day!!