Faux Fur - H&M x Balmain, Bag - Calvin Klein, Turtleneck - Zara, Jeans - oldies, Shoes - CentroYesterday me and J took a tiny trip to Copenhagen and here is my outfit of the day. We strolled around streets a bit away from the main shopping street before heading there. Saw a bit different side now thanks to that and I'm so in love with this city! Especially in the evening when the ferris wheel and Christmas market and decorations lit up and the music was playing everywhere, so dreamy and always so fun and warm to go to different places with my funny J. About the outfit..the fur coat from H&M x Balmain is so perfect for winter, really glad it also is warm as much as it is pretty. Should do another post with the leather belt it came with. My first thought was to go with all black but I feel that a touch of beige makes the whole look a lot more interesting. Don't be afraid of colours! Now off to cuddle and watch a movie. Can't express how happy I am having J here in Sweden with me during my schooltime!____________________Külastasime Joonasega eile taas Kopenhaagenit ja see oli mu outfit. Liikusime seekord ringi mööda tänavaid kaugemal peatänavast enne kui sinna suundusime. Nägin veidi teistugust pilti tänu sellele ja ikka nii nii meeldib see linn! Eriti õhtupoole kui vaateratas, jõuluturg ja kaunistused särama lõid ning muusika mängis valjult igalpool, nii mõnus ja alati on väga tore ja soe tunne just oma vahva Joonasega erinevates kohtades ringi uurida. Riietusest rääkides..see H&M x Balmain karvakasukas on ideaalne talveks kuna see on ühtlasi sama sor kui ilus (vedas). Peaks tegema ka sellise postituse, kus on juures ka 'nahast' vöö, mis sellega kaasas oli. Esimene mõte oli minna üleni mustas, aga otsustasin ikkagi lisada veidi beezi, mis tegi terve välimuse pisut rohkem huvitavamakd. Ära karda kanda värve!Nüüd aeg filmi vaadata ja ma ausalt ei oska kuidagi väljendada, kui hea meel mul on, et Joonas siin Rootsis praegu on. Kool on kohe palju toredam!