Play Party Sharing 2.0 - The Queen of the Cocks and her King
Outfit My underwear and Amalias body is from Angelique Fihn LingerieMy top is from NamiliaMy kimono is from Brahmaki I want to make a little sharing of a recent experience I had in my life. And it’s important for me to point out before that when u attend to these kinds of events, its very important that everything that happens there is sacred and it’s not for the whole world to know about. Especially outing people who was there and sharing things that was going on around you. But what I can do is sharing my emotional journey and some actions that happen through this night in my energy field, but without telling who was who and stick to my journey. Cause these moments in my life if something I like being open with, to share with you. To show that having an open view of sexuality doesn’t have to be something wrong. And to be open in your relating can actually be something mind-blowing and bring you and a partner even closer to each other. With everything I write about here in my blog, it’s to inspire you to think outside the box. I have no wish for you to go experimenting in the exact the same way as I do, cause everything is not for everyone. But with sharing my stories that probably many would consider controversial, maybe that can help open up some peoples conditioning regarding views of their sexuality. Maybe help someone to dare to try something new, that doesn’t even have to do with sexuality. Dare to follow your heart and stop mind what other people think <3 It’s so freeing when you are living for your self, in you 100% truth following your unique path. To be honest, when I arrived in India this year I was not in the space for going to play parties at all. I had in mind some one and one connections mostly. I have different periods in my life when I’m in full on exploring mood and when I have the urge to have smaller more intimate connections. I have recently just had a period of fun explorings where more than two people have been involved, so it was just not my focus right now. But. Thats what I thought haha… Then after I met this person I’m sharing my time with right now, and he expressed to me very early in our connecting stage that he recently attended a play party and that he will also in the near future help to arrange a few more. Then my curiosity got a bit more awakened again. And I got even more inquisitive about this human. So in the very beginning when we just met I attended a light version of this kind of event, and that time without us two speaking anything before how it would be sharing our presence in this kind of setting. I also got to know before hand that one of my other lovers will be in the same space and my first reaction to this was some weird emotions coming up. Just because I havn't been in any situation like that before. I have had many lovers at the same time but not under the same roof - and especially not in a sexual themed event. But both knew about each other and it was actually nice to share this space with two people I care about. But the night very much ended up with me and Manu having a journey focused on us and giving each other lots of attention. Which was beautiful to receive so much attention from someone you like when there is a massive buffé of people willing to play. So I guess that was a little warm up for what was coming in the near future. A play party was on the schedule. Many interesting souls was attending and a magical crew who hosted it. First before the event I asked M for a sharing about it. Or actually we had a long sharing about all sorts of things regarding us two. But I expressed that I wasn’t really that interested to go to this play party for the sake of it, that my intention for it was to go there and explore along side with him. That there wasn’t actually not some specific people I felt like exploring with if it wasn’t if he was joining the experience. He was very happy I expressed this and he felt the same. So we decided to go there as a couple - a team who explores together. This was new for us both and we didn't really talk about any more details at that stage. I was just happy that he felt the same regarding the intention. The night came. Me and Amalia were at my place before making ourself sparkly and perky for the evening. M was already at the party preparing since he was a part of the team. But just before I got there I sended him a text that we should sit down together before and talk about the night, how to make it the best for both of us, if any of us was looking for something in particular, any fantasies, any people we were more interested in and so on. We arrived, the opening circle started and we went through subjects as being true to yourself, honoring your wishes and boundaries, the importance of saying no if its not something your really want to do. How important it is to ask for permission regarding all acts. And if someone says no to your suggestion, how to meet in a middle way. Maybe your wish is to touch someones hair and kiss them gently on the mouth, and this person gives you a no - then maybe in a humble discussion you can agree in a middle way that its okey with some massaging and cuddling instead. Or if its a definite no - then it’s just a definite no. We did some practices regarding boundaries and also a self love meditation to center ourself before the journey. Then me and Manu sneaked away out for a mini cuddling session and to open the space for us together before it all started. So my main topics of our little meeting was first.We are here as a couple, how to manage this? I expressed that I want him to feel included in everything I do, that if I’m experiencing a moment with someone, then it doesn’t matter how into the moment it looks like I am - he can always come and gently interrupt if he wants to connect or be included. If for example this other person doesn’t want to connect with us two together, then I rather stop that experiences since for that night its us two is a package deal. I asked what he thought about this, if he felt that it was mutual from his side. And very much yes!If we were unsure of what the other person would think about a proposition you got from someone, then we should both ask each other how the other one felt about it before stepping into the connection.We decided that every now and then we would have mini meetings just us two to just see how we feel, if some emotions had come up, if something had triggered us, if we wanted to go into a certain direction and so on. Just general communication about our journey and how we feel in that moment.We talked about if it was any person in the room that we both would prefer to not interact with for some reason. And if there was some people we wanted to interact with.We went through our desires, mostly I had specific desires I wanted to explore with him, a specific group of people I wanted us to connect with in a group session. And that he was open for too. Then we agreed on just following the flow and just tap in to what ever was meant for us to unfold that night.If we had any fears for the night, and that was obviously to not feel included in the other persons journey. So that why it was so important to check in with each other through the night to make sure we both had a smooth and loving experience. But in general, we wanted to do this experience side by side - but adding more people to the situations. I will give it a deeper thought if I want to share more about the actual journey. But it was truly amazing to share an experience with someone u feel love for. It empowered us both in our individual and shared journey. This was NOT the last event like this we attended together. And much more is planned for future exploring. I think one can never be done with trying new things - it’s just comes back to you - how creative you can be ;-)When you give love to the universe - you get flooded by mutual emotions. What a lucky lil human I am <3 Thank u! I would have liked to share a picture of Manu for the night too, but since he was busy working there was no space for this. Instead I have a very clear picture in my head of his powerful aura. Dressed in my wine red silk robe, with his turban crown, sparkling with glitters and his very cheeky pants with a surprise. I guess it was made for only me to keep.p&k