My current wave through sensations of affection
Cause so many of you have asked me about this man on Instagram I thought it was about time to do a little sharing about it.I’m in such a good wave at the moment. And such an unexpected wave. I came to my place in India last year thinking I had a plan of deep sexual connections with no real commitments. I felt that I wanted to focus my energy on creativity, myself and work. Which worked perfectly fine for quite some time even though it was a bit to sexually hectic there for a while with many lovers at the same time. But for then it was perfect - and much fun. When I wanted intimacy I got it, but I spent my nights alone which I generally prefer. For me it’s one of the most intimate things to sleep with someone. Especially if there is a sexual connection between. For the past year at least I have been very cautious who I have chosen to sleep with. For me the ultimate situation has been to hang out with my lovers during morning or day time, then I go home at night, have my own princess sleep in my own energy and wake up fresh and perky and excited for life. I want to be a little bit careful to share my deepest journeys here in my blog. Love journeys is a very intimate subject for me. But I also feel that I owe you an explanation why I haven’t been so active here. And also cause I feel like shouting out to the world that Im so filled with magical vibrations. For now I’m in love with this man who I’m spending most of my awake hours with, and that is perfect for now. But everything is changeable and it’s still all very new, even though things have progressed very fast. But without putting any titles on it or analyzing it too much - I have met someone that I share the same values in life with, someone who is wild, creative and fearless in his way of being. Someone I just want to listen to for hours when he open his mouth and shares his reflections of our universe. Such a smart and grounded human being - where we have found a very open and loving way of communicating our desires, fears and boundaries for our shared journey together. We share the same openness regarding sexuality and this is something I have been longing for - to share my greatest hobby with someone who thinks it is as natural as I think. There is no right or wrong. If I would have to title myself as something, I believe I would choose to call myself a ”Trysexual". Which means that I would like to try EVERYTHING, at least a few times, to then se if it is for me or not. How would I know if I don’t try? And how am I allowed to have an opinion about something I didn't at least try first? And to share this explorative lifestyle with a fun crazy character by myside - that is just the ultimate situation of a partnership. So my hectic december shifted hardly while entering January. All of a sudden I connected with this man on the dance floor at Sunday morning ecstatic dance. I could feel something brewing inside me straight away when we started interacting - there was something different with this person. We had a magical dance together which started more humble but that very quick lead into a more sexual moving journey. He lifted me up and I was rolling around his body while he just supported my movements like I was a feather gliding around his pillar. After a slightly sexual acrobatic scene we came down on the floor, kept on rolling close on each other, caressing the ground with our body weights on top of each other. The music had stoped and the lights was shut down. I sat myself in a yab-yum position over him (him in meditation position and me having my legs wrapped around his body on top of him). Our third eyes was connected in leaning towards each other. Breathing heavily and then we kissed. A few days later we planned to connect a bit deeper, getting to know each other. So we again had a dance session together and then left to his place. After many hours of chatting about life I found myself sleeping there the first night with him after we made love. This is just something I never do. We kept on seeing each other often and intensely. Trying to fit in as much spending time together as possible in between my festival and my sick days. He took care of me like a princess while I was home in bed, giving me home cooked nurturing food, came with surprises. Such a caring person. And here I am, wanting to sleep with this person every night all of a sudden. So, now I’m in a very happy space in life. I was suffering when I had to stop making love with him this morning when I was already late back home for a phone meeting. I just can't have enough of this man right now. I want to have him close or inside me all the time. I just want to drown my face into his and kiss him endlessly. Such a strong attraction and affection. And its powerful to see how my body just screams for just him. For now my mindset is temporarily monogamous - which is rare for me. Im open to share my time with him together with an additional energy, but for now he is the most important number. But life is about following the flow. Which is beautiful. With clear communication us humans will go far. So I have no expectations of the future. I'm just very happy about right now. Lots of love <3/Maxinne