Respect the sun

Aaaah, I got sunburned yesterday! It was so stupid! I almost never get sunburned and now I am. So, yesterday I walked to moon beach, the beach we went to another day. The sun was shining but I had used sunprotection. However, I forgot to put on more sunscreen after a few hours.. When I came to the beach there were almost no people there, so lovely. It was low tide so the water was very shallow. I love to swim here because the water is so clear and has good temperature too. I layed on a floating dock and just relaxed in the sun (stupid). Then swam back to the beach and did some exploring. I just loooove to collect shells and corals on the beach. I can seriously walk around for hours just staring in the sand for treasures. I found some for mom ;-) Today, when work is done, I'm going to American Village to do some shopping. Since there's a big US military base here in Uruma, there's a lot of americans living here and I guess that's why they build somekind of American Village. Good stuff.. Have a great day and be careful in the sun! This water is incredible! Maybe I was ment to be a fish.. Corals for mom! Great shot to remember on grey, cold days..