You Are what you Eat!
Some people like to respond to that and be smart like, “so I am a pig, because I eat bacon”? For those of you who can look beyond the expression, the meaning is; if you eat acid or mucus forming foods for example - You WILL become acidic yourself and your body will produce mucus as a reaction to that. And vice versa if you make descent healthy choices! There is no doubt that society today has brought a lot of confusion regarding health issues. Disease thinking has infiltrated our human minds. “There is no cure for disease, because diseases do not exist.” Let me explain what I mean with that statement, since I talked about disease in the other post, I don't want to confuse you. It’s not the disease you have to cure, you must go deeper and get beyond the problem. You have to address what’s causing the disease! - The food you eat can either be the safest and most powerful form of medicine, or the slowest form of poison. - To think that the body just gets plagued by a mysterious disease out of nowhere and it has nothing to do with what you eat, drink, breath, and what you put on your skin, is a huge misconception. Everything has to do with cause and effect, and if you were to replace the concept of disease with acidosis you will have a better idea of what causes these problems. It’s the acid forming food that affects the body and causes dis-ease! It has everything to do with the food, and when you change your diet to raw living foods, and remove the acid and mucus forming food, then the body regenerates, and you get better. So, to think it has nothing to do with food when people are reversing their chronic health conditions with healthy food, this alone proves that the information that is given to the public by the so-called professionals is dangerous and misleading. How many times have you gone to the doctor and they tell you it has nothing to do with your diet? I'm sure a lot of you have many times, because doctors do not have the education or any idea about nutrition. They are in the business of treating, medicating, and performing surgeries, and to put your health entirely in their hands is very dangerous. But on the other hand, I’m all for the acute medicine! If your appendix burst – you’ll need surgery. If you already suffered from a heart attack or feel like you’re about to – call an ambulance, go to the emergency and do it NOW! But you must understand that the body cannot tolerate these heavy proteins that people are eating today. The body needs living food in order to nourish and replenish every cell and the body. We are the only species who eats “dead” (cooked/artificial) food, and we are the sickest ones on the planet. No one can argue that. If we do know that people are reversing their chronic health elements with diet, there is no excuse to continue to eat these corrosive foods. Do your body a favour and start eating foods that create detoxification, and this will remove the blockages of energy that create obstructions. If you remove the foods that clog up the body, then your body can get energized, and become replenished. And remove the acids, and the body will become alkaline! Its alkalinity that keeps the body healthy and the alkalinity is found in the living foods such as fruits and vegetables. You must get over the habit of eating these dangerous and addicting foods to truly get well without masking and suppressing symptoms. If you want to fully heal your body you must give up beans, grains, starch, eggs, dairy, and meats. If you don't embrace the living foods built around fruit and vegetables such as ex. tomatoes and cucumber (which are fruits as well, but called vegetables), you will only accumulate more acids, and they will continue to create more unpleasant symptoms, and these acids will basically eat you alive. Breakfast feast! Mango, strawberries and grapes, juicy and delicious.