Welcome in from the cold - can I offer you a Sallad?
So, I understand that today, a cold dark January day might not be the most tempting day to start to chew apples. I’m visiting my mother, a little bit up in the north in Sweden and I’m cooking her a hot Moroccan stew, Tajine, for dinner. Outside the wind and snow are blowing hard, the landscape is white and its showing minus on the thermometer. I’ve had oranges, pears, bananas, some dates, and an apple today. My dinner is going to be one of my favourite sallads. My mom doesn’t understand me – at all! She thinks it a faze or something, even though I’m celebrating one year “as a goat” (like she sometimes puts it) in just four months. Why eat fruit & vegs, when you can have a nice hot cooked meal, and a new baked bread to dip in the sauce? Well, I don't do this because I got tired of all the flavours in the food! Somethings still smell nice, but i know it's not good for me so why eat it? Some days she’s letting me be. Some days she says she understands. Other days she’s trying to tempt me with anything, and some days she just disapproves. I guess it all goes down to being worried. She fed me growing up, and it didn’t do any harm did it? We don’t live close to each other, but visit each other frequently and she still keeps on raising me, like come on – it’s like they never cut the umbilical cord completely. Its hard to change people’s minds, just look at your own mind. How hard isn’t it to continue and do something you know is good for you…old habits die hard. And food…It’s just like any other addiction. Seriously, it is definitely an addiction. I will write more about just how ADDICTIVE some things actually are and why your mind is fooling you to continue to eat and crave them. But even though you’re not ready to take the next step today, now is the perfect time to dig in to the subject and read about it. Educate yourself. Learn more, so you at least know what it is that you’re saying NO to. Mommys vegan pizza, as my oldest son's calling it.