The Importance of DETOX!
WHAT IS DETOXIFICATION? de : away from, the removal of tox : poison Detoxification is the process of clearing acidosis, toxins, wastes, mucus and harmful parasites from the body. The vast majority of these impurities come from our dietary habits and lifestyle choices. Detoxification is not a way to treat dis-eases, it is the way of true healing used to address and eliminate the cause of the dis-ease. WHAT CHANGES WILL I NOTICE DURING AND AFTER I DETOXIFY MY BODY? When you detoxify, you will gradually notice your symptoms diminish and feel an increase in energy and mental clarity. Most people also experience some form of a healing crisis at times, which is nothing more than the body purging and cleaning itself. You will see miraculous results when you choose natural healing. The goal is to detoxify until you are free from illness. The degree and time it takes to eliminate the cause of the dis-ease depends on the amount of toxic build up in your body and how determined you are to get well.Weight Loss! I experienced a great weight loss, which was funny at first. I started out at a healthy 60kg, with a little extra around my tummy. Soon I was down to 55kg, my pre-pregnancy weight. Wohoo, hadn’t seen that number in 5 years. It went surprisingly fast and easy. But the kg kept descending. I got down to 48kg (I'm 1.61cm) and I started to get a little bit worried. Not to mention my family and friends. The hardest part was that I had to defend my choice to become Raw Vegan at a daily basis. They thought I was disguising an eating disorder, I admit it, I looked anorexic! All my muscles were gone as well (you shouldn’t try to build up, when you’re in the state of breaking down). But I had done my homework and knew that the body will respond like this. It was only breaking down what I’d build up with bad building material (bad toxic food). Now my weight is stable at 55kg again. And it increases as I continue to build up my muscle mass again. Hairloss! At first my hair got thicker and then it started to fall out. Like really fall out. I was shedding like an animal is shedding its winter coat. I had to hide the amount of hair from everyone (because they thought I was anorectic, aaargh!) Honestly it got quite thin. BUT I knew this would almost most certainly happen, and I knew it would grow back thicker and stronger and healthier as ever before. And it did! It even reversed my grey hair, I look younger every day!’ Now, losing your hair can be a terrifying thought for any woman (or man). And experiencing it can be even more devastating. But who wants to keep that sick hair, when you will gain Rapunzel like hairflow? Are you really that vain? It was so worth It!!! “No matter what your healing crisis looks like, never lose sight of your goal: total health. Achieving your goal will be worth the discomfort of any symptoms. Never fear a healing crisis or cleansing, as these are as natural as the sunrise every morning. Look forward to these cleanings. With each one you will feel better and you’ll be much healthier for your efforts” – Dr. Robert Morse N.D. WHAT DOES DETOXIFICATION INVOLVE? Detoxification involves dietary and lifestyle changes that remove the intake of toxins. Our body chemistry needs to be alkaline and oxygen rich in order for our cells to thrive. When our body becomes too acidic, our blood will coagulate, and the lymphatic system will become stagnate. When this happens, our organs and glands will start failing in their ability to function at an optimal level. This then leads to blood pressure problems, pain, stiffness in joints, tumours, neurological failure and many other well-known dis-eases. In order to detoxify successfully, it’s essential to remove acidic foods and habits from our life. The consumption of alkalizing foods, fresh made juices and botanical herbs is essential in detoxification. WHY IS DETOXIFICATION SO IMPORTANT? The world as we know it is very toxic. The air we breathe is being sprayed with health threatening components (Geo engineering) and filled with pollution. A lot of the things we eat, and drink are genetically modified, sprayed with pesticides and filled with other chemicals and preservatives that make us sick and weak. The cosmetic products we put on our skin are mostly filled with acidic ingredients that we can’t even pronounce. Last but not least, the “treatment” of symptoms (caused by our dietary and lifestyle choices) with pharmaceutical drugs only suppresses the symptom as the health of your body continues to go decline. Therefore, in order to truly get well and dis-ease free, we must remove the root cause of our symptoms. This can only be done through detoxification, which has always been at the heart of true healing. The Healing Crisis The healing crisis can be a challenging part in natural healing. This is when your body is releasing toxins that have accumulated throughout your life. You may experience mild, moderate or strong symptoms while the body is healing itself. These symptoms can vary anywhere from cold and flu like symptoms, headaches, strong discharge of mucus through the lungs and stool, fatigue and old suppressed symptoms reappearing. Most people do not experience extreme detoxification symptoms, however it all depends on the level of toxicity / acidosis of your body. Aside from the physical, there is also an emotional component to healing. Most people eat unconsciously or use” food” to comfort them and to suppress subtle negative emotions. When we break this cycle, our underlying emotions will arise and be very present at times. Instead of falling back into the old paradigm, observe them and see this as an opportunity to let them go. The natural way of healing is the most powerful method of healing since its focus is on removing the cause of the health condition. Most people that decide to use this method find complete remedy. The minority that doesn’t, has either been so weakened and tormented by prior mainstream treatment, that they have reached a point of no return, or they are not ready to undergo the changes necessary for them to truly heal. It’s important to remember that the” Healing Crisis” is just temporary and that there is a new life full of energy, vitality and free from illness, waiting for you on the other side!