Choosing A 3d Printer
At this time in the market, there are many 3D printers circulating, ranging from DIY or making your own at a price of millions of rupiah to billions of rupiah for industrial class 3D printers. Tips this time we will concentrate on desktop size 3D printers that print with plastic (PLA, ABS and the like). This desktop size printer is generally not too big and can be placed on a table. Prices range from tens of millions of rupiah to 100 million rupiah. If you choose free cad software using different filament than ABS or PLA, they will be more expensive. However, these filaments will give your prints more strength. Therefore, think about whether the item you are printing needs to be extra robust. Example Desktop printer: The Ordbot quantum printer has a print area of 130mm wide x 130mm deep x 130mm high(?). While the MakerBot Z18 has a very large print area of 305mm x 305mm and a height of 457mm. Important criteria in choosing a 3D Printer: 1. Plastic material used 3D printers can use a variety of materials, but in general the materials used are ABS and PLA. Determining this material is very crucial in choosing a 3D printer because ABS and PLA have different characteristics. In general printers that are very good at handling ABS are not good at printing PLA and vice versa. Let us explore this important dilemma further. ABS and PLA are thermoplastics in that they soften and are malleable when heated and solidify upon cooling. ABS plastic or Acrylonitrile butadiene styrene is widely produced for industry. This plastic is hard and slightly more flexible than PLA. 2. Print volume 3D Printers have different print volumes. In general, the dimensions are specified in mm (millimeters). In general, the larger the print volume, the more expensive the printer will be. Therefore, choose the right print volume and according to your budget. Suitable does not mean the largest size you will print, but the largest size that you will regularly print. Remember you can always use printing services for large sizes that you rarely print to save costs. One of the 3D printers with a large print volume is the MakerBot Z18 as shown above with a print volume of 305mm x 305mm x 457mm high. 3. Price When comparing printer prices, don't forget to compare the prices of the filaments as well. The price of 3D printers varies greatly, in general the price depends on the print volume, brand, country of origin, and others. High prices do not always mean the best print quality, therefore, compare before you buy. Several brands of 3D printers such as the Cube family (from 3D System) and daVinci (from XYZ printing) use a locked filament system, where the filament is stored in a cartridge that is locked with a chip. With this system, you have to buy filament from the same printer brand. Most likely the price of the filament is much more expensive than the price of other brands of filament. It is also important that you find out how much weight or length of filament you are buying. 4. Print quality Print quality is the most important point in determining a good 3D printer. Many factors determine print quality such as speed, nozzle hole size , etc.