Tips To Help Make Your First Hiking Biking Easy

Want to conquer the great cycling tracks like Mont Ventoux? Our tips may help you ride like a pro. Spin at a constant rate Try to control the cadence of spinning to be stable all the way around 80-90 rpm is considered normal. If you feel the weight of cycling slower due to the higher the slope Should adjust the gear to be lower and spin at a faster pace. All so You should find a spin cycle that does not cause your legs to get too tired, and the stability of the spinning is still an important aspect. Focus on training Riding uphill like the Ventoux is not as easy as it seems, and cyclists often fail due to the over-estimated effort required. And not enough physical strength training Good preparation and a good training schedule are key to conquering this mountain peak. Try creating best cleats for peloton bike program for your exercise. If you can't practice outside So simulated the situation of spinning with a trainer in the gym. The more rehearsal he is The more you can reach the goal, the better Doing so will strengthen your legs and endurance to hike with a steady rhythm. Is it better to sit or stand? Your riding technique will only take place on the saddle. Studies have shown that you lose less energy and have more rest by sitting. This is the way in which the body uses oxygen most efficiently. When cycling on a steep road, sometimes we want to jump off it. Energy and glycogen used in cycling on very steep roads This will disappear very quickly. Studies have shown that standing spinning is best with a slope of 10% or more. Standing spinning provides up to 30% more power and the use of other leg muscle groups. But we ask to do it in a short time. Avoid rocking on the bike as this will waste unnecessary energy. Prepare the energy source ready On your way to the hike, you'll lose a lot of calories. Even if you only spin for an hour Make sure you have the necessary energy sources ready for your hike. Solid foods like the energy bar you should consume 15 to 20 minutes before starting up the mountain, while the energy gel should be eaten while riding up the mountain. They're easier to eat and digest, or you can keep the energy bar to eat when you reach the top as a reward for success. Spin at your own pace If you come alone and see other riders in a group and feel like you can follow them. But the reality is, you may not be at the same level as those riders, and it will cost you too much energy, we advise you to be at your best riding pace, otherwise others or you. Will fall from spinning on its own Which is not good and certainly not fun. Your bike should be in top condition You may be tempted to hop on your bike and go uphill. But we want you to make sure your bike is ready for riding. Check the gears and gears. That it works well or not And the tire pressure is enough for the ride or not? Bicycle equipment is important It depends on the type of spin you are doing. Alternating the size of the sprocket and the chain set made a big difference. Smaller chain sets and larger sprockets allow you to change gears and make your hike more comfortable. Shift gears is a matter of time When thinking about changing gears Time is of the essence most people drag gears for a long time to change gears. Try to change it a little faster or when you feel the chain is getting sticky. If hiking has a lot of curves, it's nice to try changing gears often. During bends or bends Do not run close to the inner curve With a sharp bend, it can be both a villain and a hero, a place where we can rest and breathe. But if we can't control it, we might lose the balance. And most of the inner bends are steeper than the outside. The inside curve is actually shorter. But your legs are definitely not appreciative of this slope. The outer curves can give you a bit of relief, but may not perform as fast as you can speed. The best position, the point where the route is shortest and the speed can be maintained. Which is in the middle of the road If the curve is very steep, it might have moved a little more sideways. Put on a heart rate monitor or use a power meter Using a heart rate monitor or power meter is the best way to ensure that you do not enter the red zone. (Heart beating too fast) Using a heart rate monitor is the cheapest method. The heart rate is something you should keep in mind when hiking. Selecting one zone means you don't go deeper than the specified zone and should maintain a constant heart rate. Don't underestimate the hike Hiking can be fatal, both in the direct and indirect sense. Respect the route and study the route well before embarking on an adventure.