Ideas From The Professional Kitchen

Have you ever been into a large restaurant kitchen that is busy, full of smoke and noise? Restaurant kitchens often have to cook hundreds of dishes a day. Which must design a kitchen that can be used with maximum efficiency Both in terms of speed and safety. The here are some tips for professional kitchens. How they organize and use the kitchen space And how can we apply it to the kitchen in the house? Let's see. Corridor In commercial kitchens Will be designed to Safe enough for Safe many people who cook together in the kitchen. Which the kitchen in the house should take into account this point as well Mobility in the kitchen area helps to reduce clash. Collide when carrying hot, heavy or sharp objects, so the hallway in your kitchen should be at least 90 centimeters wide, or if you have an area, it could be 150 centimeters wide. Open shelves Commercial kitchens use open shelves to make it easy and quick to pick up, sticky hand items when cooking can stain the door of the rack. So if you have a device that needs to be used often Then try to use open shelves because apart from being easy to use. It is also easier to clean than a cabinet with a closed door. Opt for stainless steel The commercial kitchen have reasons for choosing stainless steel. Good quality steel in the kitchen because the food comes out of the hot oven. Can be put down without hurting the surface of the countertop material. It is also easy to clean. It doesn't rust, too, and although you can cut the meat on the stainless steel surface, it will affect your knives too. So choose a cutting board better Tall dishwashing tap To make it easy to use Tall dishwashing tap That can be rotated in many ways and the pressure is good. It is worth installing. Because in addition to eliminating food on the plate It can also be dragged to clean the sink thoroughly. And clean the pot Large pan without stick Litter box on the counter Restaurant counters often have slots to sweep debris into the bin without having to remove it from the counter. And open the trash to pour it down Which makes it comfortable And wavy time If you have a lot of counter space Can choose to keep as an idea in the kitchen Or save space by using a chopping board in the top drawer and bottom drawer for this kind of trash bin. Pay attention to the use of cutting boards Using a wooden cutting board Known for its durability and cleanliness To avoid Mixed smell in the cutting board And transfusion between different types of food You should want to use the cutting board for different tasks, for example: Chopping board for cutting fresh meat Chopping board for cutting cooked meat Chopping board for cutting garlic / onion / shallot And a fruit chopping board, which you can label or mark on the cutting board to classify them too. Opt for a silicone When taking things out of the oven with a thin cloth Can easily be dangerous Which most heat-resistant gloves do not work properly Choose a silicone glove that extends beyond the wrists. Because sometimes The heat from the pan is not the only thing that can harm us. But hot water That splashes when we open the lid or open the oven. Gloves that can be worn separately, allow us to use them more comfortably and more than normal gloves. And silicone heat resistant gloves can withstand temperatures up to 260 degrees Celsius. The floor in the kitchen It is quite important for the floor in the kitchen. Commercial kitchens tend to choose tiles that are non-slippery and easy to clean. If you spend a lot of time in the kitchen May be looking for soft shoes Can be put in the kitchen. In most restaurant kitchens, staff wear closed toe shoes to prevent scalding. Or sharp objects can be dropped.