Devin Consultants Financial Management in Singapore and Tokyo on 4 Money Management Tips to Help You Bootstrap Your Business
Sometimes, people who aspire to be business owners have this idea that they will pitch their idea, get millions of dollars in funding and start spending money like pro athletes. Men, hvis de er noe som USA, de vil have en gennemsnitlig $ 1,000 i spar (hvis det). They'll also have $ 17,000 to $ 137,000 in debt. Hvis disse tallene beskriver dig, så låner du lån, leier, låner på kredittkort og finner en investor kan ikke være din beste flytte. Instead, you should bootstrap your business. My co-founder Dan Foley and I bootstrapped Tailored Ink back in August 2015. We spent a combined $ 1,000 to get it off the ground and kept our costs low. Flash-forward to today, two years later and we're closing fast on the $ 1 million mark. We still have not max-out our credit cards or applied for a business loan. Want to know how we did it? Here are some financial habits we learned on our way to becoming successful business owners. 1. Spend within your means. When I was making $ 40,000 a year, back in 2012, I was eating frozen TV dinners every single night. Aside from my desktop computer, which cost only $ 300, there was no furniture in my apartment to speak of. I sleep in a $ 25 inflatable bed. De fleste av mine venner og kolleger, som havde tonnevis av kollegial gæld og var om at gøre det samme som jeg var bokstaveligt pissing penge. Når de løp ut med kontanter, ville de maksimere deres kreditkort. Til trods for alt du måtte ha sett på fjernsyn, dette er ikke hvordan å oppføre seg hvis du ønsker å være vellykket. Du vil aldri samle rikdom hvis du bruker det så snart du får det. Debt and loans do not equal wealth. How do you keep yourself disciplined and spend less money in a credit-dependent and debt-ridden culture? By practicing delayed gratification. It's the key to financial success . Du trenger å tro at dine korttidssikre vil resultere i langvarige gevinster. And they will. 2. Save way more than you spend. Með það í huga, þú ættir að miða að því að spara eins mikið og mögulegt er. Some people will tell you the exact opposite, as in "Do not worry about saving until you're 30." These are the same people who want to work before they are 65 and ask why their savings accounts are so small. Der er mange hemmeligheder til voksende penge, men der er ingen hemmelighed for alt for at spare det. Du trenger bare å tømme i din tape og kontrollere dine utgifter. Many financial advisors recommend that you save at least 10 percent of earnings per year, but that's not enough if you want to be one day. Saving as a business owner is even more tricky because you will have other people to think about. Let's say you make $ 10,000 a month at your new business. Det lyder ganske bra - men etter at du betaler 20 til 40 prosent av skatteinntektene, 25 prosent for forretningsomkostninger og 25 prosent for leveomkostninger. . . There will not be a whole lot left. If you're running a B2B business, you'll also have accounts receivable to think about. Not all of your clients will pay you on time, if at all. Da og jeg sparar mycket mer enn vi spenderer og putter mest eller hva vi kommer tilbake til i virksomheten. That way, we can afford to pay all our vendors before we pay ourselves. We keep a two-month runway in our business bank account at all times. 3. Always pay off your debts (or do not borrow at all). America has a serious credit problem. We're brainwashed into believing that borrowing huge sums of money on a regular basis is smart. That's why we do just that for college, cars, houses and even businesses. It's why Americans had almost $ 1 trillion in credit card debt back in 2015. If you really stop and think about it, though, this is wrong. Warren Buffett has some pretty strong opinions about debt and loans. "You do not really need leverage in this world much," he said. "Buffett indicated that he was especially leery of credit cards." If you're smart, you're going to make a lot of money without borrowing. "Interest rates are very high on credit cards," he said. "If I borrowed money at 18 percent or 20 percent, I'd be broken." Så, just as an example, let's say you charged $ 5,000 to your credit card with an APR of 15 percent, and you paid the minimum 2 percent each month. After 14.3 years, you would have paid an additional $ 5,614.44 - more than you borrowed. 4. Do not just leave your money in the bank. Spreken of spaarrekeningen, ze zijn vrij veel waardeloos. Interest rates at almost all banks are so low that they are offended. But most people continue to believe that leaving the bank is the safest thing they can do. But you have other, better options. Nearly all banks and brokerages give you similar insurance - just through different providers. Banks give you insurance for up to $ 250,000 in cash from the FDIC, while brokerages have the same coverage through SIPC. In other words, as long as you have less than $ 250,000, your savings are as safe in a broker's insurance if they are in a bank. You can exchange stocks, bonds and funds without worrying that someone will steal your money. And if you follow Warren Buffet's low risk advice to invest in different index funds, you can earn up to 5 percent to 10 percent per year. The S & P 500 Index, for example, returned an average of 11.69 percent per year in the year's from1973 to 2016. Compare that to 1 percent, which is the highest interest rate generous bank offer. What's in your wallet? Bootstrapping a business is not that hard. You just need a basic understanding of how well-being accumulation works and accept that your monetary expenses can not be adjusted successfully. That's the hard part. Men hvis du drømmer om å eie din egen vellykkede forretning, har du gjort noen sjelforskning, en dag eller blir en millionær før du går på pensjon. Are you willing to delay your gratification and make some sacrifices in the near future, so you can reap the rewards down the road? Will that sacrifice be worth it to you?