TGIF! Trust me, I´m happier then I look on the picture. And trust me When I say that I love my new jacket, ´cus I really do. It´s one side of perfection. This week has been like nothing I ever experienced before. Mostly in a good way. Everything I worked for has come a step closer and I have really thought myself to care less about what other people think about me, that´s just something that takes more energy then it gives and in the end it´s not gonna be worth it. Most people who know me knows that I would  never say out loud that I´m proud of my self, ´cus i´m never really are. but today I can at least write it down, consider how far I´ve come since I moved here, yes then I´m really damn proud. I will receive the goals I have before I leave the city and one day I will. so, what´s up today? I have loads of things to do today and I better get started if I want to come home before tomorrow, just have to finish another cup of coffee, or two first.