Out in the desert we got to ride on these camels, never tried that before.   Nu har vi vaknat till lite och ätit en tidig middag. Hann gå igenom alla bilder på planet, men datorn dog halvvägs så det var ju lite oproffsigt... ;-) Vi fick rida på kameler när vi var ute i öknen, sjukt häftiga djur det där! Det var lite läskigt när dem skulle ställa sig upp och sätta sig ner men annars kändes det väldigt stabilt haha! Kul att få uppleva.   Har varit underbart väder här hemma idag men vi har inte orkat oss ut förutom när jag gick och handlade mat. Förhoppningsvis håller det i sig wihoo! Puss på er! <3   //Now we're awake again and just had an early dinner. Had time to go through all the pictures on the plane, but my computer died after half the flight so that was a bit un professional... ;-) We got to ride camels when we were out in the desert, those animals are just so cool! It was a bit scary when they were on their way up and also on the way down but during the walk it felt very stable haha! It was fun to finally try this. Have been amazing weather all day here in Sthlm but we didn't go out, only when I bought some food. Hopefully this weather is here to stay wihoo! Hugs babes! <3