How To Make Money From Home In 2020
I always knew that I wanted a life different to most, I despised being told what to do it, made me sick to think of spending the majority of my life . doing something it didn't love or even slightly enjoy. I wanted freedom I wanted to make an impact and I wanted to make the most of the tiny amount of time that we have here on earth, but I had absolutely no idea how phospho and i'm thankful to say that. i figured it out and made seven figures in the process i'm making this article for all the 17 year old me's who have all the drive in the world . but no plan I've reflected on everything every step that I took and created a road map that anyone can replicate. you ready I'm gonna give it to you right now it even has a name it's called the unemployed formula. This formula acording to edu staetment ' the owners let's go back to the beginning, I grew up in Indonesia I went to a normal school had a normal family and did normal teenage things the one thing that wasn't normal, though was the way that I thought you see in indonesia we have this thing called tall poppy syndrome. it's the cultural phenomenon of mocking people who think highly of themselves, cutting down the tall poppy. so I'm surrounded by a culture of people who were like I think I'd like to stop my own business that's risky. you'll probably fail get a job, it's much safer but what they really meant to say was you definitely shouldn't do that. you should stay exactly where you are, because if you succeed I'll feel really shitty about my own life and it's far easier for me to just put you down, than it is for me to level up. so I'd really appreciate if you'd stop triggering make your big dreams and just be normal cake, but as I looked at how most people were living hating their jobs in the lifestyle that they were defending so fiercely I thought to myself how about no Scott C at this point, I really didn't know what I was gonna do to break free from the norm but I knew that I couldn't surround myself with or listen to people who didn't want to see me succeed .even then , I knew that there was no way I'd get what I wanted if I listened to people who didn't have what they truly wanted, so my circle got small really small but in doing that my self belief became big really big naively, big and it's this mindset that started everything .because instead of thinking I can't do that, I shouldn't do that or I might fail, I thought I can learn anything I can do anything and failure. isn't something to be scared of so step number one you have to eliminate all sources of doubt and negativity from your life, in yourself and in others, and if you're unable to do this nothing that I'm about to share with you will matter seriously you're .gonna have the best idea or strategy in the world, but if you wake up thinking this will never work or who am I to even be trying this you're wasting your time, and if you need help creating this mindset after this article hit the Lincoln description and check out my free five-day online business gloss day one is all about mental mastery .so, it was this mindset plus my quest for abundance and freedom that took me on a journey. I got into things like drop shipping and ebay, while I was working my bank job .but the thing that really stuck was trading a good friend at the time, introduced me to currency trading and through his guidance, I became good at it really good. why ?because it gave me light that they could be an alternative, until working till I was 65. so, I went all-in I invested the money I'd made on eBay , and grew my account to the point where I could replace the income I was making it my job with money. I was making trading I told my boss, I was quitting to work for myself and he like many others was like that's how you like to live your life is it what do you really meant was. if a kid does better than me I'm gonna feel pretty insecure and I wish, I didn't have to come here every day. in this suit, but I don't know another way .so please don't prove to me that there's another way that I've been ignoring my whole life people around me, started to notice the change in my life and in my results and they wanted to learn more at the time. I didn't have this road map , but I did know that teaching people in my home office wasn't efficient .so I created a course detailing every step I taken and together with the friend who had taught me we launched an online course, so now without realizing it I had a neat training and a business model an online course this is where most people get stuck there, like hey Amy I really want to start an online business and I'm like awesome. what do you want it to be about and they're like and it's then that I normally ask them three questions :what do you love ?what do you have experience and results in ? and what do people typically come to you for advice on for me ?at the time I loved trading, it had changed my life and allowed me to quit my job, and I had a ton of people around me asking me for advice on it . so for me it was obvious but for some of you I know that it can take some digging to figure this out and if you need help uncovering your knee get on that freak loss in my description and day two of it we help you uncover it so by this point I had a mindset Anish in a business model but I didn't have a marketing plan beyond just people talking about it. and that's where the final element comes in traffic I started sharing my life on social media , primarily YouTube and created a series of viral videos with my partner at the time that now have over 20 million views. those videos are what allows my message to reach a massive audience and for it to actually have an impact and change lives that was over eight years ago. now and since then that company generated multiple seven figures in revenue changed lives and reached over 80,000 students. you might be thinking yes, six flex ami but , how does that actually help me it helps you .... because I'm not special remember, I'm a normal teenage girl. I just followed a formula that allowed me to achieve special results. so now let's recap and plug those things into the unemployed formula .step one you have to develop a mindset that is unfuckable, if you're not willing to believe in yourself then please don't attempt working for yourself this isn't a nice-to-have it's an absolutely must have ask anyone doing it and this doesn't just mean on days where everything feels good and you're winning it means every single day .even when challenges are presented and you're not your normal badass confident self , if you're someone that would rather Netflix and chill and complain about things not going your way then please just close this site and consider another option. step number two reflect on yourself, your life your passions your skill set and decide upon a need step number three share your message and develop your personal brand through creating content that serves other people, don't know what that message is or how to work cameras edit videos craft your story. share your message, or better yet create videos that are actually gonna get viewed. that's what we teach it unemployed go jump on that free course in the description and start learning .step number four monetize that content through high impact, high profit monetization strategies . like online courses, if you don't have one yet don't worry , you can affiliate one that you stand behind and that's had an impact on your life instead most bosses nowadays offer some pretty solid Commission's. now I'm not suggesting that you go and peddle some junk products so a lot of you guys have been asking me lately what door stuff , I use and I wanted to share with you today that I've been using the Shepard 310 doorstop. no you use your platform to share things authentically that have genuinely made a difference in your life. so you see it's a big cycle create content within your niche that serves other people that grows your personal brand and that produces automated traffic to your business model. and once you understand how to create content that actually get views on YouTube, then every piece of content you make is like sold . you're going to work for you every day sharing your message serving others and growing your business. I promise you if you do this consistently and effectively, you will build a six or seven figure business in time, that's how I suggest working from home in 2020 not selling iPhone cases , not doing online surveys , not trying to invent an app. if you want to learn more about the intricacies of the steps I just outlined I have a bunch of videos tools and worksheets in that online course for you to get started on for free. alternatively if you're someone who already knows your niche and has your business model nailed and you want to learn how to create content that scales your brand be sure to check out the YouTube growth accelerator course below and if you'd like some more ideas for working from home be sure to check out this video where I discuss 10 more ways you can make money online I really hope this is being helpful if so I would love if you could drop me a comment anda like below and I will see you guys.