Herregud vad jobbigt det har varit att säga hejdå till dom här fantastiska människorna. Jag kommer sakna dom så himla mycket. Vi har ju blivit som en liten familj här i Australien och har haft så otroligt många roliga stunder tillsammans. Gjorde kollaget ovan som dom kan ha i huset nu när jag är borta och så skrev jag ett litet brev som jag klistrade fast på baksidan av kollaget som löd såhär: Since it's so much easier for me expressing my feelings in text I figured I would leave you this note and say that I could never ever ever have had better room-mates than you guys. I'm so glad I've met you and got to know you because I will always laugh and smile when I think of you. You're all a 10+ to if I'm gonna rate both personality and looks (and yes that includes you too jay) Thanks for making my time in Australia the absolute best possible even though you have made me gain 10 kilos from drinking.... And thanks for teaching me good manners, Aussie slang and how to read text messages from Aussie boys. Thanks for driving me to coles, the train station and hook-ups. And thanks (especially to Blake) for telling me who to dog and who to keep flirting with. A special thank you to Dylan as well for hugging me when I need it the most (which obviously is Friday nights at the pub...) haha. Thanks for all the taco nights, never have I ever stories and for the lovely absinthe shots too. You boys and lenni are the best and I will miss you so much. But we'll hopefully see eachother soon again but til then take care of my slampa, be safe (as in try not to get stabbed or fall asleep sunday nights at the beery and on the beach) and don't forget to drink passion pop for me and think of me every time you Sunday sesh. I miss you already, xxxxxxx