A day to remember

Nu innan kvällens film börjar tänkte jag bjuda på en av mina engelska noveller. Detta är en som jag skrev i 9:an eller 1:an. Kanske inte mitt bästa verk men jaja, enjoy anyway och ... sov gott!  <3     It was that day. The day I had been waiting for a very long time. Everything around me stood still, except for my thoughts. They were flying around in my head like the leaves flying from the trees in the autumn, and every leaf has the right place to land on, and they were there to stay just like my thoughts … for a while at least.     The weather was not as happy as I was. Outside the rain was pouring down and I could barely see what was in front of me, or where I was going but somehow it didn´t bother me at all. My smile was strong enough to light up a whole city. Maybe this city where we both live,  this city where we were going to build our memories in, and laugh about all the mistakes that we had done here too.   Oh … it is a beautiful city. It was kind of dark when I got home. Darker then it was outside. But like I said nothing bothered me that day, everything was just magical. Just that feeling of  love from one special person, that one special person I had been waiting for a very long time.  I went to the kitchen and made a cup of tea.  It is actually the best thing before I go to bed, it gets you that warm feeling that you have in the body when you´re in love. That warm feeling I had this day.      I also usually check my emails every time I got home but I could not let some spooky emails ruin my day so I turned off my computer and went to the living room instead. Everything was quiet and calm so I took the chance again and looked at the messenger I´ve got this perfect day. The messenger which had filled my inbox on the phone, and made it to the most important thing in the world.  All the words in the text turned into small hearts and almost took my breath away. He was the one. Or was he?     But when I sat there and read the beautiful text, the phone started to ring. That cosy little quiet time was over but the irritation stopped when I saw the name on the screen.I pressed the answering button and said the usual:      -Hello     We talked for a short time and when he ended the phone call I started to wonder why he wanted to see me now?  In the middle of the night!   Was he missing me more then I was missing him or had he just (gone) nuts?  He said he was outside so I went out with that warm feeling in my body, and that big smile that he said could light up the whole city. That smile which soon were going to be the last real smile for a very long time. All the words he said now were different from the text, and everything inside of me were black. The wind was so strong and I thought for a second that the whole world just died. I could not believe what had just happen. I just felt like a big question mark with no thoughts at all in my head. The thoughts all gone blank.  I could not feel anything in that moment, except for the salt taste of my tears that were streaming down my cheeks.     Before I went home I looked back at that perfect human silhouette who was walking away from me. That human silhouette of a boy who could have been mine.                                                                      1+1=2-1=1 …