Nutrition: Essential for health and fitness

In a particularly critical period like this we could run into the trap of forgetting to take care of ourselves both mentally and physically. Today I want to remind you how important it is to continue to feed and think well, always and in any case! This moment in Human History is really putting us to the test: anxiety oxandrolone and worries are on the agenda. Furthermore, willy-nilly, we found ourselves having to drastically change our habits, our daily routines and these sudden changes have further increased the level of stress we are subjected to. Many people, when they are negatively "overloaded", react by seeking relief with ephemeral solutions that produce momentary pleasure, but which in the long run can further damage their psychophysical condition. For example, do you know those who go for food when they want to go through an important change like quitting smoking? Or those who continually complain about a problem without looking for a solution instead? Or finally those who abuse alcohol when they are going through a really bad time? Without going to extreme cases, however, it is demonstrated that our health is built starting from what we eat and in fact the WHO (World Health Organization) itself claims that about a third of cardiovascular diseases and cancers can be avoided thanks to a balanced and healthy supply. But now let's see in detail some tips for eating as healthy as possible. “Eating is one of the four purposes of life. No one has ever known what the other three are. " (Chinese proverb) Smart Spending. We eat what we buy and therefore to improve our nutrition we must start with our shopping list. In fact, I believe it is really important to go to a supermarket already prepared, that is, knowing what you want to buy: improvisation pushes us to buy the first things that happen and therefore not always the most essential (and convenient). If you want to eat healthy, then you have to draw up a list of the healthiest products for your body; after all, a good diet is an important goal to achieve and, as such, it must be carefully considered and studied point by point! In addition, you must never go into a supermarket hungry because you risk shopping dictated by the belly instead of by reason. Given these two premises, to make an intelligent shopping you must always pay attention to the labels of the products (the origin, the ingredients, the expiration date, the nutritional declaration) and the promotions in force: the shelves are designed in such a way as to push customers to make the most expensive purchases that are not necessarily the best in quality. Finally, I would advise you to check your cart before arriving at the checkout and ask yourself if everything you have taken is actually necessary: in hindsight (even a few minutes later) we may in fact realize that something we have taken, perhaps driven by gluttony or curiosity are not actually that important. Finally, the password to use when you want to make good purchases is not to be in a hurry : you must have plenty of time to move between those shelves with particular attention to detail! Savory or sweet snacks? Ok, but with caution ... Many people's lives are hectic and they often eat a quick, frugal meal. This is why snacks are such a popular food in our homes (but also in our offices and in our bags in general!). However, the doubt that many are asking is whether salty or sweet ones are better. On the one hand we have salt which can promote the onset of hypertension, on the other hand we have sugar which affects, for example, our insulin resistance. Of course, salt and sugars are present in almost all snacks and the correlation between blood pressure, cholesterol and blood sugar problems and the abuse of these foods has been demonstrated. Consequently, the watchword, in this case, is to limit their daily consumption ! Anyway my personal ranking of snacks is as follows: Fruits and vegetables come first. These foods are often mistreated and confined as the closing of the two main meals of the day (lunch and dinner), but in reality we should reserve them a much more important place. Firstly, let's not forget that fruit especially tastes really good! In addition, they have a really positive effect on our metabolism, especially on our cardiovascular system, they help to keep the skin beautiful and to keep our brain young and active. Haven't I convinced you yet? Well know that fruits and vegetables also help reduce the risk of cancer and depression, stimulate our immune system and facilitate weight loss! In second place we find salty snacks which, compared to sweet ones, have a greater balance of fats, carbohydrates and proteins (but beware of salt!). However, if you really can't give up the dessert , then I suggest you prepare them at home; on the other hand, a slice of cake or a biscuit contains more nutrients than simple sugar which tends to be the only ingredient in a candy or a sugary drink. The advantage of a homemade dessert lies in the possibility of choosing the raw materials: organic fruit and eggs and perhaps less refined sugars (brown sugar, honey, rice malt…). In any case, remember that desserts, homemade or not, should always be eaten in moderation! Water, how much do you drink? Drinking lots of water is just as important as eating well. It is usually said that you need to drink at least 2 liters of water a day, but this value can vary according to the motor activity performed, your health and environmental conditions. Regardless of these variables, it is well established that water is our vital principle par excellence and therefore we cannot neglect it! Just to be clearer, the so-called "blue gold" has positive effects on our immune defenses, helps purification and digestion, stimulates energy recovery, improves our cognitive abilities, stimulates metabolism, improves our skin and helps us during physical exertion. As you can see water affects every single aspect of our life, so it is essential to get used to drinking the right amount! Eat well, think well. At the moment we talked about what is best to eat to help our body feel good, but in the title I mentioned another important point, which is to think well. Keep in mind that every habit, every effort you can make, will never be enough if not supported by an excellent motivation and to have it you need a correct mental predisposition. We owe to the Roman poet Juvenal the famous saying " Mens sana in corpore sano" (healthy mind in healthy body) which is also valid today. We are what we eat, think and do, so to live better we must follow a correct dietary education and to do so we must also educate our mind to accept healthy habits. I admit that it is not easy to change your lifestyle, much less the way to eat, for this reason it is necessary to establish precise and well-determined goals. Simply saying "I want to eat well and lose weight" for example, will not make you fully appreciate the positive aspects of a diet based on fruits, vegetables, whole grains, fiber and much more. On the other hand, if you force yourself to "want to lose 6 kilos in two months", you are moving towards a well-detailed path: in fact, you know what the goal you want to know is because you have evaluated it and imagined it perfectly and you have not left it wrapped in a nebulous idea. In conclusion, you cannot get used to eating healthy if you are not proactive towards yourself, if you are not determined to change and improve yourself. So what are you waiting for? Start now to nourish your mind and body well!