------------Stayed at: Guesthouse Sobra Ate at: Konoba Lanterna Visited: hmmm.. the little swimming spot? :) -------------------- After a night in Dubrovnik we woke up to the realisation that our French bank cards didn't seem to work in any of the ATMs, which lead to a bit of panic as we'd heard that you needed cash pretty much everywhere on the islands. Mysteriously enough my Swedish card worked fine, and our French ones worked in shops & restaurants - but no ATMs. So after a bit of panic and a call to Sweden, dad once again saved the day. He transferred enough money to my Swedish account for us to get through - and we are again eternally grateful!! But yeah, moral of the story: check that your card works in different countries, and in Croatia - ALWAYS carry cash. ! After the panicked part of the holiday was done we had some lunch, went for a swim and then we hopped on to our very first ferry! Read up about the island of Mljet (try to pronounce that one if you dare, hehe) on the way over.  There are only two campgrounds on the whole island and getting to them without a car is pretty much impossible. So we had booked in to a guest house in Sobra, the little town near where the ferry gets in. Much to our relieved surprise our host picked us up at the ferry! Not quite sure how we would have gotten there otherwise :/ anyway, got settled and walked the one minute down to the water <3 <3 <3 I'm one of those people who reacts very strongly to all kinds of things, both mentally and physically. These were some kinds of mosquito bites that disappeared after a day or so. Also got a really bad rash at one point, but might not post those pics here... After we'd dried off we wandered down towards places that served food. We saw so many abandoned old buildings throughout the islands, in one case a whole village! More about that later.  Sat down at one of Sobras three restaurants. Yes - three. Picked this one because it was the only one that took payment by card (there is no ATM in town). We were seated in a swinging hammock <3 and ordered cold beers.  Now THIS was one of the culinary highlights of the whole trip!!! A big thing in Croatia is the home made goats cheese. You won't find two that taste the same, they all have their individual flavour. This one was extra salty, as the goats of the island climb down on to the rocks near the water to lick off the salt from the sea. How great is that?! If you find yourself on Mljet and in the town of Sobra, you NEED to try the goats cheese at Lanterna. OK?!PS The green stuff on top is pickled seagrass, surprisingly delicious!!  We got the fish platter to share, absolutely delicious. One of the best of the whole trip I think :)  A kind of exhausted, but very happy, girl. Cheers Lanterna, you were great!!  And goodnight Sobra, thank you for a wonderful first island-day :)