Goodmorning peeps! Today my alarm went off at 6.15, something I'm not exactly used to..! Although I am extremely far from being a morning person I don't mind it all too much when it's just the one off. It's when I have to get up early every day for a longer period of time that I really start struggling. Everyone says that it gets easier and that you get in to a rhythm, but that just never happens for me?? I just sleep worse and worse and end up feeling sick in the morning. Also since Duncan works at night getting up for work early for me means pretty much never seeing him.. anyway, rant over - here I am, bright and early and not struggling! Yay!  The reason for my early rising today is that I'm helping my boss' boss out! She's just moved to Paris and as she had to go to work she needed someone to come in and oversee the movers. So basically I'm just milling around this great apartment, checking that no funny business goes on. So far so good :)))  Also trying to make friends with a little family of pigeons outside of the kitchen window. They remind me of my dad's place here in Paris, where a little family of pigeons lived right underneath our kitchen window. Dad would leave out little crumbs for them and we would hear them coo-ing in the morning.  That's all for now, happy Friday guys!!!