Thought I'd try to do a weekly summary with iPhone-pics (a bit more on the go than picsfrom the camera) every Sunday, now just realising while I'm writing this that next Sunday I'll be on an island somewhere in the Adriatic sea so can't exactly promise that this will happen every weekend... failed already, haha. Anyway, let's give it a go eh? One week ago I was snuggled up on the sofa in my amazingly soft bathrobe. Leo found it equally amazingly soft and refused to leave my lap <3 Woke up with him softly snoring on my shoulder every day. Leo <3 Mom was here! Took no phone pics of the two of us (?!) so here's an old one. We're equally cute today. Hehe. We always have extra nice breakfasts when moms in town. Love it. We went out on adventures with Leo snuggled up in our arms. He found the metro very soothing. Went out shopping in the Marais with D. and Kat the other day. I needed shorts and came home with a whole pile of stuff (including shorts), oops. Also hid in some greenery at La REcyclerie! A serious amount of Leo-pics, I know! But last couple now, promise. He's just sosnuggly and cute <3 On Friday we walked up to KB café for a last coffee and sandwich avec pug, we got all our cuddles in before it was time to reluctantly give him back to his actual family. It's been the best Leo! <3 And lastly, mom power napped a bit before jetting back to Sweden... ... and shortly there after Duncans friends Matt & Alicia came over from London! It was Alicias birthday yesterday, we celebrated by discussing gore horror & drinking ~fancy~ cocktails at La Perscription. Very rude bouncers but great cocktails and the waitstaff even came out to sing happy birthday! Very sweet. Now, going back to organising our upcoming holiday & filling up the never ending list of things we HAVE TO do before jetting off on Tuesday, wish me luck...