For the past two days our internet has been turning itself on and off, circa every 2 minutes. It's crazy how much I rely on it working and how insanely frustrating it is when it doesn't. Poor Duncan spent around 45 minutes on the phone with the internet people today and at the moment it seems to be working alright... fingers crossed. Anyway, aside from that, this is what I've been up to today! Found a dress on H&Ms website the other day which looked absolutely perfect for what I'm going for this year, so I went out looking for it today. After 2 H&M's and talking to 5 H&M employees I finally found someone who knew what he was talking about - apparently that particular dress is only sold online. Haha! Would have been great if they'd actually put that little tidbit of information on the website too??? Anyway, I was happy in new cat-headphones <3 Didn't come home with dresses, but at least I got some fingers :)))) ordered the stuff I needed from H&Ms website in the end and paid extra for fast shipping, here's hoping they won't get lost within the maze that is the French postal system...... Other annoyance of the day: accidentally wore crappy, loose tights under my jumpsuit today - this is how well they ended up fitting. Haha! Couldn't exactly hike 'em up on the metro so walked around with them halfway down my bum for about 2 hours. They're going straight in the bin now. And now I'm finally curled up in bed, with some home made pizza & streaming silly Swedish TV while internet still works. Hope that your Tuesday has been filled with less annoying things than mine has!! (Working on being a happy pig in spite of crappy things happening, I think I'm doing pretty well today! Go me!)