Out of the holiday bubble, I've done my first day back at work which was actually great - unlike a lot of people I know, I love my job. I get to look after the best little girls I know <3  We got back to Paris late on Sunday night. Monday I spent the entire day at home, lounging around in pajamas, admiring my plants, watching TV on the couch. Tuesday I decided that I had to get out of the house, if even just for a walk. On with a cute dress (cause you know, it's Paris after all) and comfy purple shoes. Put on a crime podcast and strolled down the canal, in the sun. Spotted Snoopy <3  Listening to this at the moment, an Australian true crime docu about a woman who vanished mysteriously. Many suspect her husband, but her body has never even been found. Very exciting stuff.  More exciting stuff: they've really spruced up the toilets lately!!  Yesterday the alarm went off at 7.30, not something I'm overly used to. It was raining <3  This is me doing my best yes I'm awake-face at 8AM. -----  I was happy though cause I was off to see my favourite girls for the first time in weeks!! <3 we hugged, played and made our own sort of playdough. Well, I really don't know how to translate it.. in Swedish we call it troll-dough (trolldeg) and it's super simple to make. You just mix water, salt, flour and a bit of oil and tadaa you're done! Clay away.  I made little trolls, because you know.. troll dough. :))))  One of the kids made the poop emoji >< While our art was cooling off (you bake them for like 2 hours to get them to harden) we went to the swimming pool! It was still raining but we were equipped and excited :)  Then back to theirs to get painting! Such a fun and simple thing to do with kids.  The little ones fabulous blob <3 it started out as an emoji but quickly took on a life of its own :))  By dinner time I was back home, eating pasta pomodoro and treating myself to a glass of Pinot Noir. It's good to be back <3