Vietnamese Summer Rolls

Hey babes! Not the best pictures ever, I know, but I just have to tip you about this super easy and delicious dinner I made last Friday night. Vietnamese Summer Rolls! I’ve made it once before but that was years ago and then the other day I just craved it haha. I could easily eat this several times a week, it tasted fantastic! Even better then once I have tried at restaurants. So this is a Tuesday tip from me to you! This is so easy to make and take no time at all - just follow these simple steps. 1. I fried chicken and shrimps to have two different choices. I mean why choice when you don’t need to? ;) Together with the shrimps I also threw in some baby corn and broccoli plus some good spices. // 2. I cut cucumber, paprika, salad, avocado and mango. // 3.Spice it up with some sauces: I made two different once. One sweet chili (it was so spicy!) and one peanut butter sauce. Voila ready to eat! Both sauces tasted great and it was even better to mix them with the summer rolls. I feel like this is an upgrade version of taco Friday haha. I got such a food coma after and literally feel asleep five minutes into a movie a bit later.