Cleaning the Bedroom
Organize all the clutter. Again, we're starting from the top down here. The first step in organizing any room is to get rid of or organize all the small bits. So those papers you have thrown about, the clothes on the floor, the wrappers next to your bed? Get rid of 'em. Then you can really start to get to work. [3] If you are cleaning, walk around the house with a garbage bag and a laundry bag. This way you can pick up as you go and won't have to walk back and forth.
Make the bed . Sure, making the bed seems pretty pointless - after all, you're just going to mess it up come nightfall - but once you have it, you'll realize how much better it makes the room look and feel. It'll give cleaning the rest of the room purpose, because once you're done, it'll look amazing. Of course, you may want to wash the sheets and then make your bed. This includes pillow cases and the comforter, too. Jumping into a made bed at night feels great, but jumping into a made, clean bed feels even better.
Organize your closet. This should really be something you do every day, but it's easy to let it get a little out of control. Map out your closet in your brain - where are your pants, your tops, your accessories, your underwear? Then get organized, keeping like items together and the articles you wear most on top. It's not a bad idea to go through your closet and figure out what you just want to throw out (random, non-apparel items included). Odds are there are at least a few pieces or things you're not interested in anymore, and they're just cluttering up your space. But don't throw them out - they can probably be donated.
Dust, vacuum or mop, and spray a nice scent into the room. All those shelves and nooks and crannies (not to mention under and behind the bed) are paradise for dust and dander. To get at them, a dust mitt or dust cloth works wonders, but you could also use dusting spray or a disinfecting wipe to get the job done. Once everything is dusted, corners of the floor included, you can vacuum or mop accordingly.Be gentle with certain pieces, like your lampshades and curtains. For these, you can take a blow dryer to them and gently blast away the dust.
When you're done, top off all your hard with a nice, fresh scent, like lemon or lavender.
cleaning companies
Housemaid Vacancy . Job overview
The average hourly wage for housekeepers is $9.76
It’s a physical job; you’ll have to be a hard worker
You’ll have to be able to do a good job without supervision
What do housekeepers do?
Do you love to clean? I mean LOVE to clean. If the sound of a vacuum motor really gets you revved up and you live for that squeaky-clean feeling, chances are you’d make an awesome housekeeper. Whether you work as a maid, house cleaner or housekeeper, you will be scrubbing, sweeping and folding your way into a brighter, cleaner world.
Hotels and cleaning companies will expect you to be efficient and hardworking with a good eye for detail. You’ll have to work well without direct supervision, whether you’re working solo or with a team of other housekeepers.
You shouldn’t assume this will be the perfect job for you just because you like to clean your house once a week. Housekeepers and maids clean up other people’s messes for their entire shift, so you’ve got to really love the satisfaction that a freshly made bed and a stack of bleached towels brings to your life. Often you will be on your hands and knees, and you’ll need to be able to lift things (up to 50 lbs.) on a regular basis, so being physically fit will be important.
You’ll have to sweep up every speck of dust, so if you have allergies, this might not be the right job for you. It’s also good to remember that if you’re in someone else’s home or hotel room you’ll probably have to interact with their pets, so being an animal lover won’t hurt.
How much do housekeepers make?
While the work might be dirty, the pay is far from it. According to the BLS (Bureau of Labor Statistics), the average hourly pay for maids and housekeepers is $9.76. Depending on where you work, who you work for, and how much experience you have, you could make as much as $15.98 per hour. On top of that, many housekeepers are tipped for a job well done.
What are the education requirements?
While a high school education isn’t required, it certainly doesn’t hurt. You should be able to perform simple arithmetic and be able to follow instructions. Employers often look for bilingual team members so that could be a huge advantage (especially Spanish/English fluency). Most training will be provided by the employer, including how to use equipment safely.
Career paths for housekeepers
From an entry-level cleaning position, you’ll usually be promoted into a supervisor or team leader role. If you discover you have a passion for cleaning and an entrepreneurial spirit, you could even become your own boss with a cleaning franchise like The Maids Home Services, Maid Pro or Maid Brigade.
The future of housekeeping jobs
While housekeeping positions are expected to grow, this growth is closely linked to the economy. Think about it: if people are worried about spending money, luxuries like maids and vacations are typically the first to go. You’ll have to prove your worth and be a very hard worker to keep this job long-term.