What should I do if the newborn piglets don't eat milk?

The lack of milk for newborn piglets is the most troublesome for pig farmers. It is necessary to find out the reason and solve the problem according to the symptoms. In addition, during the lactation period, the feed intake of the sow must be increased, so as to ensure that the sow has sufficient milk to supply the piglets. So, what to do about the phenomenon of newborn piglets not feeding? How to increase feed intake of lactating sows? Let's take a look at it together: what should the newborn piglets do if they don't eat milk? 1. Reasons for not eating milk There are many reasons why piglets do not eat milk, the most important of which is that the blood sugar of the piglets is low, which affects the vitality of the piglets, resulting in reluctance to eat. And it will also be affected by diseases. For example, if the piglets are sick due to mycotoxins, pseudorabies and other bacteria, they will not eat milk. Then it is because of the sows. Many sows hide their teats because of insufficient lactation or mastitis, so that the piglets cannot eat milk. Or the primiparous sows are unable to adapt and are reluctant to let the piglets breastfeed. 2. Treatment For piglets that do not eat milk because of their own reasons, if the symptoms are mild and they can swallow. Then we have to use a syringe with a rubber tube. The piglets were given about 15% glucose water, and the dosage was kept at about 15ml each time, and it was given once every 3 hours. If the symptoms are severe and the piglets can no longer swallow, the piglets should be injected intraperitoneally with the same proportion and amount of glucose water, once every five hours, until the symptoms are relieved and the piglets can breastfeed normally. How to increase feed intake of lactating sows? 1. Reasonable cooling temperature has a great impact on the sow's food intake, although some farmers have also adopted cooling methods during lactation. However, most of the main details of cooling are ignored when cooling, resulting in poor cooling effect. When we are cooling, it is best to use drip cooling and negative pressure ventilation together, which can effectively increase the sow's food intake. The water temperature is kept at about 20 degrees, and the dripping speed is kept at 40-50 drops per minute, but it should be noted that the humidity in the sow house should not be too high. 2. Adequate drinking water We also need to provide enough clean water for lactating sows to reduce heat stress due to high temperatures. It can also effectively increase the sow's feed intake, so we should increase the sow's drinking water to ensure water quality and water temperature. Adding an appropriate amount of baking soda and other substances to the water can significantly reduce heat stress. It can be said that the amount of water that sows drink is directly proportional to the amount of food they eat, so if you want to increase the amount of food the sows eat, it is very good to start with the water intake of the sows and increase the amount of water consumed by the sows. 3. Postpartum uterine protection Many farmers do not do a good job of postpartum uterine protection within three days after the sow gives birth, and generally only give it intramuscular injection. As a result, the sow has a greater stress response, and the body temperature rises and the appetite is low, resulting in the phenomenon of low food intake. Therefore, we must do a good job of protecting the uterus after giving birth. Within a week after the sow gives birth, use potassium permanganate to clean and disinfect the sow's vulva and posterior displacement. After farrowing, the foreign bodies in the sow should be excreted in time. Finally, inject a long-acting sensitive antibiotic product to reduce inflammation in the sow. 4. Feeding management Feeding management is very important in the first week after sow production. After the first week, do not feed too much or too fast, otherwise it will affect the sow's food intake throughout the lactation period. Therefore, it is necessary to control the feed intake in the first week, and then let it eat freely after the first week. Then, when feeding the feed, it is best to feed it when the temperature is the lowest every day. The feed is mainly wet feed, and appropriately increasing the feeding frequency can effectively increase the sow's intake. However, it should be noted that the number of feedings per day should not exceed 5 times, otherwise it may also cause a stress responsehttps://www.arshinepharma.com/...