New use! The source and development direction of bromhexine hydrochloride

Bromhexine hydrochloride  was originally derived from traditional herbal therapy. In the early days, people used to use the leaves of Duckflower to achieve the purpose of relieving cough and expectorating phlegm. Later, it was found that the active ingredient was Duckweed. In 1963 , the Keck School of Medicine of the University of California first chemically synthesized duckweed; in 1965 , the derivative of duckweed, bromhexine hydrochloride, was officially listed abroad as an expectorant. In 1973 , bromhexine hydrochloride was officially launched in China. It has been used for nearly 50 years. It is widely used in clinical practice, safe and effective, and has been widely recognized at home and abroad. Bromhexine hydrochloride is a mucolytic agent with multiple expectorant mechanisms: first, bromhexine can inhibit the secretion of glycoproteins from goblet cells and mucous glands, thereby reducing the viscosity of sputum; second, it can act on the gastric mucosa , stimulates the vagus nerve in the stomach and lungs, reflexively increases the secretion of the glands in the respiratory tract, and achieves the effect of diluting sputum; Jixin can also promote the movement of cilia, activate the transport system, promote the discharge of sputum, and achieve the purpose of clearing the respiratory tract. At the same time, bromhexine hydrochloride can improve lung function. By stimulating type II alveolar cells in the lungs to secrete and synthesize surfactants. Surfactant has the functions of "reducing alveolar surface tension, stabilizing intrapulmonary pressure; anti-inflammatory and antioxidant; protecting alveolar epithelial cells and increasing lung defense mechanism". Bromhexine hydrochloride promotes an increase in surfactant, which ultimately improves lung function. At present, bromhexine hydrochloride is suitable for patients with chronic bronchitis and other respiratory diseases such as asthma, bronchiectasis, silicosis, etc. who have sticky sputum and are not easy to cough up; patients with purulent sputum need to be treated with antibiotics to control infection. It is also widely used in the prevention and treatment of postoperative pulmonary complications and preoperative airway clearance. Treatment of premature infants, neonates and infants with respiratory distress syndrome ( IRDS ). Therefore , bromhexine has become a recommended drug in many clinical drug guidelines or expert consensus, such as the "British Thoracic Association Guidelines for Adult Bronchiectasis", "Guidelines for Diagnosis and Treatment of Cough 2015 ", and "Expert Consensus on Standardized Diagnosis and Treatment of Common Cold in Chinese Children" 2013 , etc. all recommend the use of bromhexine. In addition, after the outbreak of COVID-19 , it is unrealistic to develop a new compound drug in a short period of time , and the search for effective antiviral drugs has become an urgent need to treat the new coronavirus . Bromhexine hydrochloride is a classic expectorant, and current research at home and abroad has shown that it is a very potential drug against the new coronavirus. On February 29 , 2020 , bromhexine hydrochloride was clearly recommended in the "Guangdong Province Expert Consensus on Clinical Rational Drug Use for Novel Coronavirus Pneumonia (Second Edition)" led by the Guangdong Provincial Pharmaceutical Affairs Management Quality Control Center . On April 28 , 2020 , bromhexine was also included in the list of drugs for the treatment of new coronary pneumonia in the blueprint for the development of experimental treatments for COVID-19 published by the World Health Organization . This means that bromhexine hydrochloride has been recognized by international authorities as a drug against COVID-19 . As of June 15 , 2020 , there have been 7 clinical studies around the world focusing on the therapeutic effect of bromhexine on new coronary pneumonia. They are :There are 5 items on the website , 1 item on the IRCT website of the Iranian Clinical Trials Registry , and 1 item on the website of the China Clinical Trials Registry . In conclusion, Bromhexine Hydrochloride Glucose Injection has shown obvious advantages in the prevention and treatment of new coronary pneumonia, which is of great significance to the current epidemic prevention and control at home and abroad. It can potentially prevent new coronavirus infection and reduce the occurrence of severe cases. Bromhexine Hydrochloride Glucose Injection, as a very potential drug against the new coronavirus, will provide important support for the normalization of domestic new crown pneumonia epidemic prevention and control.