Do you pay attention to 3 misconceptions about feed nutrition?

To be successful in raising chickens, there are four key factors, namely: excellent breeds, comprehensive nutrition, scientific management and effective epidemic prevention.However, in production, the site often does not know much about feed nutrition, or even unfamiliar, and there are some wrong cognitions.Misunderstanding 1: High protein means that the feathers, skin, nerves, blood, muscles, eggs, etc. of chickens with high nutrient concentrationare all based on protein. Enzymes, hormones, antibodies, pigments, etc. in chickens are also synthesized from proteins.The most basic substances that make up protein are more than 20 kinds of amino acids. The protein in the feed is degraded in the digestive tract, and finally decomposed into amino acids to be absorbed by the intestinal tract. Amino acids are in turn essential amino acids and non-essential amino acids.The so-called the essential amino acids  refer to amino acids that cannot be synthesized or can be synthesized in chickens, but the speed and quantity of synthesis cannot meet nutritional needs and must be supplied by feed. For laying hens, the known essential amino acids are lysine, methionine, threonine, tryptophan, valine, histidine, arginine, leucine, isoleucine, phenylleucine Wait.Among the essential amino acids, they can be divided into two categories. These types of amino acids are more abundant in the feed, and although they are necessary, they are easier to meet the nutritional needs of chickens. They are called non-limiting amino acids. The other type has less content and is not easy to meet the nutritional needs of chickens. This type of amino acid is called limiting amino acids, such as methionine, lysine, tryptophan and threonine.Non-essential amino acids  are those that can be synthesized in chickens and do not necessarily need to be supplied by feed. The nutrition of protein is essentially the nutrition of amino acids.The nutritional effect of amino acids on chickens is like every wooden board on a wooden barrel, and the production effect is like the water capacity of the wooden barrel. If there is a lack of limiting amino acids in the feed, it is like the shortage of wood slats on a wooden barrel. At this time, no amount of other amino acids will help, and the production level can only stay at the level of the shortest board.Therefore, once the chicken feed lacks amino acids in production, the chicken grows slowly, the feather growth is poor, the sexual maturity is late, the egg production rate is reduced, and the egg weight is small.Conversely, if some amino acids are excessive, not only the utilization rate of protein will be reduced, but also waste will be caused. If several kinds of feeds are used together, the essential amino acids can be supplemented with each other, and the amino acids will be increased accordingly.Protein level only affects egg size, while energy level affects egg production rate. Field data show that by directly increasing energy or using functional enzymes to improve energy utilization, various production results will be better.Increasing protein will effectively increase the proportion of mucin in egg whites. The viscosity of egg whites is very helpful for egg weight. Egg whites, shell membranes and other substances are mostly synthesized by protein. Increasing protein will increase the weight of eggs. This is also the principle.Although increasing protein will increase the weight of a single egg, some of the protein with unbalanced amino acids cannot be utilized by the chicken body, and they are catabolized by the liver in the form of amino acids. The nitrogen-containing part will form urate, and the part that has removed the nitrogen-containing group will be deposited around the liver or abdominal organs in the form of fatty acids, which lays the groundwork for later fatty liver and even high death rates.When adjusting the formula, when the feed intake is not less than 110 grams, the protein needs can be easily met, but it is difficult to meet the energy needs, especially in winter when the house temperature is low and the corn moisture is mostly not at the standard level. within the circumstances.It can be seen that blindly increasing the protein concentration does not mean that the nutrient concentration is increased, but it is not conducive to the production of chickens. The protein concentration must be scientifically and reasonably set according to the age of the chickens, the growth stage and the health of the chickens to achieve nutritional balance.Misconception 2: Fatty liver occurs in chickens, that is, when the energy is high, thefatty liver of laying hens generally appears in the late stage of laying. After the peak of egg production, it is necessary to pay attention to body weight, adjust the feed, do a good job of cleaning the trough, and prevent fatty liver in advance.Liver rupture and hepatic hemorrhage death due to fatty liver frequently occur in production practice, while egg shape index measurements show insufficient energy for egg production.The problem that is not easy to explain is coming. On the one hand, it shows that it is thin, and on the other hand, it shows that the feed energy is insufficient, and there is a contradiction.The reason is that there is a problem with the metabolism and conversion of fat, or the reason for the function of Ganzang, or the lack of nutrients related to fat transport such as choline, phospholipids, bile acids, and certain vitamins.Normal liver function can promote the conversion and synthesis of amino acids, which will accelerate the efficiency of protein synthesis. Free fatty acids will allow more fat to be deposited into the yolk, and the yolk will be larger, which will also increase egg weight. The liver's metabolism of fat will accelerate the decomposition of fat in the liver faster, which can effectively reduce the incidence of fatty liver.For good grades, balanced nutrition and a healthy liver are essential.Misconception 3: If the test for mycotoxins in the feed is qualified, the chickens have no mycotoxin problems. In production, this situation is often encountered: the test for mycotoxins in the feed is qualified, but the chickens still have typical or atypical symptoms of mycotoxins.In fact, passing the mycotoxin test  does not mean that the test is 0. It only means that it meets the national or enterprise standards. In fact, it is almost impossible to have feed with 0 mycotoxins. There are many kinds of known mycotoxins, more than 300 kinds, and only 5--6 kinds can be detected routinely. It is conceivable how harmful the toxins are. In addition, mycotoxins are difficult to metabolize, difficult to decompose, easy to accumulate, concealed and synergistic in chickens, and it is not surprising that the chickens have typical or atypical symptoms over time.In addition, improper management of transport, storage, to trucks and to hoppers can increase the risk of mycotoxins and make matters worse.In short, do a good job of source control, strictly control the quality of feed raw materials; do a good job in process control, that is, on-site management, and strengthen feed transportation, use, and storage management, such as regularly cleaning the silo of the pulling truck, emptying the material tower, and cleaning the pipeline. , Cleaning the tank every day, flushing and disinfecting the water line regularly, and controlling the mycotoxins at the lowest level are the fundamental measures to reduce the problem of mycotoxins.