Hi lovies - how fast did this weekend pass by?? Like crazy fast. It seriously feels like I didn't have time to do anything, although I did have time to spend like five hours a day in my bed...Im in a youtube phase, again, where I spend more or less all my time awake staring at, well, youtubers. I think I've seen everything thats been published on youtube the past month during this weekend. Im not proud of it but I for sure don't regret it either ;) Today I sat my alarm at half nine so that I would have time to shower and do my make up before I had breakfast planed with Amanda and Nils. I ate a delicious sandwich with cheese and vegetables on some sort of fruit bread. After breakfast we went by two fleamarkets and after a while I went home to spend some time with Märta. In a while I'm gonna go to Kasper's, he has been gone all weekend sailing so its gonna be really nice meeting him again. I hope you had an amazing weekend and feel prepared for the new week coming up, lots of love.  FILIPPA K SHIRT / VINTAGE JEWELRIES AND HAIR CLIP / H&M TOP / TAILOR MADE SHORTS / TOWE JEWELS EARRINGS   This is the book Im currently reading, and I love it!