Why My Urine is Orange? What Does it mean?

One thing which we do not talk about is the color of pee. We are used to having it in the range of yellow to clear. But what if the urine color is orange. Moreover, in some cases, it is even red or green. This definitely indicates that you are experiencing something serious condition. There are many things which might be altering the color of the urine. In case, you are drinking plenty of water then the color will be dark. People who eat a lot of beets which notice red-tinged urine. Some cases, need the attention of the doctor. There are many reasons which might result in an orange color of urine. Keep this thing in the mind that some are serious and some are harmless. Normal UrineThe urine is simply the byproduct of blood which is filtered by the kidneys. According to the National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases, it processes around 120 to 150 quarts of blood each day. One to two quarts are made up of waste product and extra fluid which cannot be used by the body and it will be there in the bladder until it gets emptied. Under normal circumstances, the urine color is pale to straw colored. What the causes of orange urine?When the color of urine becomes different then it could mean various things. Here are the most common causes which result in orange color urine.    • Supplements and DietFood items and beverages which are orange, red, or dark yellow in color can make the urine color change as they contain beta-carotene. This includes carrot juice, carrots and some proportion of the beets. In case, if you are taking a high dose of Vitamin B-12, Vitamin C, or Beta-carotene. Make sure you consult the doctor for urine problems treatment as soon as possible.    • DehydrationThe most common cause is that not getting you are not drinking enough water. Due to this, you will notice urine color changing from yellow to orange. In this case, it is essential that you start drinking more water. You will definitely notice the change in few hours as the color will be yellow and clear.    • MedicationsLaxatives: Taking medications to relieve constipation and some of them contain senna which makes the pee color to change in reddish-orange. Doxorubicin: Another medication which is taken for chemotherapy can also change the color to orange to red for either one or two days after the treatment. If the problem is not going away then you should consult the urologist in Moga. Rifadin and Rimactane (rifampin): There are some drugs which contain antibiotic such as IsonaRif and reformate can also result in the same effect. Azulfidine (sulfasalazine): It is an anti-inflammatory medication which is used to treat abdominal pain, diarrhea, rectal bleeding, and bowel inflammation. People who are experiencing the issue of rheumatoid arthritis are prescribed delayed-release version if other medications are not working.    • Liver dysfunctionIf the color is dark yellow or orange consistently and adjusting the intake of supplements and fluids are also not helping. This could mean that you are experiencing the issue of liver or biliary tract.