What Type of Hair Styles Lead To Permanent Baldness

We all know fashion changes every day which includes clothes as well as hair. But styling the hair more often can lead to permanent baldness. The craze of hair styling is not only popular among women but men also like to change their hairstyle from time to time. Two hairstyles which have been very popular are Man Bun and Top Knot but men do not realize that these things can actually lead to bald patches or permanent baldness. For your understanding we have researched about this popular trend and why it affects the hair. Top KnotThe Topknot is also called undercut bun which is like a semi-man bun. In this hairstyle, the hair is around six to eight inches in length. The hair on the side and back can be styled with a hair clipper or according to your personal choice. Although this style is complicated and you need the help of hair stylist to style it accurately. Celebrities like  Leonardo Di Caprio, Kit Harington, and Colin Farrell have made this hairstyle very famous. But, eventually, it is affecting the hair negatively. It would be best if you consult the doctor for baldness treatment. Man BunAnother hairstyle which has been very popular is the man bun. In this hairstyle, the hair is tied which is given the shape of a bun and it sits on the head. While tying the hair you can either taken the entire hair or take some part of it only. It is very easy to create if you have long hair. This means you can easily create the bun in one to 2 minutes have a more appealing look. Many top celebrities like Shahid Kapoor, Ayushman Khurana, Chris Hemsworth, and Harry Styles have made this trend even more famous. They are seen rocking this hairstyle on the red carpet to many other functions. But, even this hairstyle can negatively affect the hair. How hair styling affect the hair?No doubt, styling the hair is our personal choice and we all want to follow the latest trends but not the cost of losing the hair. If you wear any of this hairstyle for a long amount of time they are likely to lead to the issue of hair fall as the hair becomes weak. Eventually, it leads to Traction Alopecia condition. Additionally, this problem is becoming more common in men as it is caused when the hair is pulled continuously in one direction for a long time period. As a result, the hair follicles get separated from the roots which cause bald spots and sometimes the hair are damaged in excess. Although it is more common in temple and hairline as this area takes more stress and strain. This is why it is essential you should consult the doctor as early as possible so that the problem is prevented. They will recommend the best treatment option which suits your condition as every case of the patient is different. One of the best treatment is hair transplant as its success rate is very high in comparison to other methods. In case, you want to style the hair we will recommend you the best way to deal with the situation. Also, keep in mind by following the advice of Hair Transplant surgeon you will see the results on time.