What are Uterine Polyps? Its Causes and Symptoms

Uterus or womb is the most important part of the woman's reproductive system. In this part, the embryo is going to get developed and in the future fetus is developed. If there is any problem related to the uterus growth or in its structure then it can lead to miscarriage or delivery complications. What are uterine polyps? Uterine polyps are improper growth in the uterus lining from inside. This is also known as endometrial polyps. At times, this condition can lead to irregular vaginal bleeding. Although this condition is very common. At some point in a woman's life, they develop this condition, but after the age of 30, the chances of getting this are 1 in 100 people. If its size is small then it is not going to create any problem. But, not getting it treated at the right time can affect the quality of life and it might become cancerous. It can even affect fertility. Keep in mind that you should not neglect the situation in any way and seek help from our Gynae Punjab for the best treatment plan. Who can get Uterine Polyps? During pre-menopause and postmenopause this is more common. In women of a younger age, this condition is very rare. Causes of Uterine polyps The main reason is hormonal changes because of the sensitivity towards the female hormone estrogen. Additional reasons behind uterine polyps: Estrogen level increases (female sex hormone) Clogged blood vessels Chronic inflammation vagina, uterus, or cervix. Chances of getting uterine polyps increases: Women between the age of 40 to 50 years Going through pre-menopause or postmenopause Consuming anti-estrogen drugs or in the past Overweight In case, you are facing a problem then you need to seek medical help right away from our gynae in Punjab. Symptoms of Uterine Polyps Every woman's body is different so it might be possible they experience different symptoms. Although some of them are the same as that of endometrial cancer. It includes symptoms of abnormal uterine bleeding which is of different types: Irregular periods – Frequent and unpredictable periods Heavy menstrual bleeding Bleeding after menopause Bleeding after intercourse Bleeding between two menstrual cycles It might be possible that you are not able to get pregnant as it can lead to infertility if you do not get it treated at the right time. If you are trying to conceive but you are facing trouble then also you should consult our IVF doctor as they will let you know which is the best treatment option. How does it lead to infertility issues? This happens because it makes it difficult to implant a fertilized egg in the uterine wall. Moreover, it can also block the fallopian tube which is connected with the uterine cavity. Due to this, the sperm cannot travel and reach the egg. Moreover, it can also increase the chances of miscarriage. Ways to prevent Uterine Polyps There is no certain method for preventing the problem. But, yes, keeping your weight proper and getting regular check-ups from the gynae can help you a lot. You should start taking natural-based feminine products, avoid taking sugar, soda, and caffeine. Seek help! Understanding the reason is important and according to that doctor will give you the treatment plan which suits your condition the best. Have any doubt or want more information then do consult a gynae today only.